With early voting beginning in the Republican primary election on Monday, February 14, Texas Scorecard asked candidates in the race for Texas House District 1 a series of questions to help voters make up their minds before heading to the polls.

George Lavender (No response received)
Ray Null

The following are the full, unedited responses we received.

Why are you running for office?
Null: I believe that the State has lost it way and even though Republicans control the branches of the government. They are unable to work together to turn out good products for the citizens…nor are they protecting the State.

What are the three main issues facing the district you hope to represent? How will you address them?
Null: Property Tax reform………let’s work to reform the property taxes with better checks and balances, First let’s freeze tax amounts on 65 year old Texans. Start reducing their taxes 2.5 % every year after. Protect our Seniors. Property rights protect our counties from un-wanted state projects such as reservoirs. Develop and support further development of our educational institutions.

Texans all across the state are reporting an ever-increasing property tax burden. Should the property tax system be fixed? If so, how?
Null: See above but then also address the appraisal districts by adding an additional recourse on appeals…allow the property owner to provide a insured and bonded independent…if that assessment is 20% less than State Appraisal then the State pays for the appraisal.

Should Democrats serve as committee chairs in the Texas Legislature?
Null: NO

How would you characterize the state’s response to the coronavirus? What would you have done differently?
Null: Fair to weak… but could have been better. If a emergency is over 30 days duration a Special Session should be called and be involved in the decisions. No businesses should be closed and if they are all taxes stopped on those businesses to include property taxes. Churches should have never been closed.

Texas Scorecard

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