A new poll of Texas voters shows Republican U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz holding a single-digit lead over his Democrat challenger, Colin Allred. 

The poll from the Texas Hispanic Policy Foundation was conducted between April 5 through April 10 and shows Cruz leading Allred by five percentage points, 46 percent to 41 percent. Four percent of likely voters said they intended to vote for the Libertarian candidate Ted Brown, while nine percent were undecided. 

Alongside the Senate race, the poll also showed former President Donald Trump leading President Joe Biden 48 percent to 36 percent when third-party candidates are included on the ballot. The lead shrinks to 10 percent when the two go head-to-head. It also showed Independent candidate Robert F. Kennedy earned nine percent support. 

While Trump won the Hispanic vote by four percentage points over Biden in the poll, Cruz lost the Hispanic vote by five percentage points to Allred. 

The poll has a margin of error of 2.45 percent. 

Former Republican state representative and current CEO of Texas Hispanic Policy Foundation Jason Villalba said in a press release that the poll results and recent election cycles show a trend in Hispanic voters leaning more towards Republicans. 

“Over the most recent election cycles, Texas Hispanics have shown a growing willingness to consider, and ultimately vote for, Republican candidates, especially at the Presidential level,” said Villalba. “This, however, is the first time we have seen a Republican statewide candidate attract a majority of Texas likely Hispanic voters. Trump’s appeal to Hispanic evangelicals and men has helped him cobble together a level of support from Hispanics not seen since George W. Bush.”

Despite Allred holding a small lead among Hispanic voters, new information continues to emerge about Allred and his campaign staff. 

On X, Michelle Cedeño, the digital mobilization Manager for Allred’s campaign, showed her support for Palestine by resharing a post from U.S. Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-MI), which claimed that Israel was led by “Apartheid-in-chief [Benjamin] Netanyahu.”

She also shared a post from another X user who accused Israel of committing “genocide.”

Another Allred staffer, James Burnett, who serves as the political coordinator for Allred’s campaign, has aimed at Gov. Greg Abbott and other officials regarding the border crisis, saying in one post: “Not gonna sugarcoat it, F— you and your Wall.”

 In November 2023, Burnett also accused Abbott of being a “Human Trafficker” due to his busing illegal aliens out of Texas and to sanctuary cities.

Allred has also had his share of hot takes. In October, Texas Scorecard reported on videos that resurfaced, showing him calling the border wall “racist” and vowing to “tear it down.”

Allred was also caught saying that America would be better off without the Second Amendment.

Election Day is November 5. 

Emily Medeiros

Emily graduated from the University of Oklahoma majoring in Journalism. She is excited to use her research and writing skills to report on important issues around Texas.