Andrew Kerr

Larry Gonzales: ‘Good’ Freshmen Will Join the Borg

Political Reality

Incoming legislators can expect to receive a great deal of “advice” from pundits and current lawmakers regarding the “political reality” they face as elected officials.

Chisum Goes For A Taxer


Chisum Goes For A Taxer

It's sad to see State Rep. Warren Chisum ending his career in public service by supporting a self-admitted tax-raiser. But then, Mr. Chisum has spent too much of his time in public office cavorting with big-spenders and high-taxers. Mr. Chisum chose not to seek...

Battle Lines Are Clear in Runoffs

You can learn a good deal about someone by the company they keep.  This maxim is especially valuable in a Republican primary where every candidate will tell you they are as conservative as Ronald Reagan. In this summer’s primary runoffs conservative voters benefit...

Double-Talkin’ Thombs

Double-Talkin’ Thombs

Most elected officials wait until they get to Austin to break the campaign promises they made to their constituents, but not Lady Theresa Thombs.  Her style of campaigning is sadly what too many Texans have come to expect from politicians: saying one thing while doing...

Establishment Bona Fides

A new group is purporting to rate lawmakers as conservatives, yet their results are surprising. As the Dallas Morning News noted, "establishment Republicans" who vote badly can claim a conservative rating. It signals the strength of the conservative movement in Texas...

Todd Staples: Opposing A Conservative

Todd Staples: Opposing A Conservative

According to the Austin rumor mill, Ag Commissioner Todd Staples will be throwing his endorsement against a conservative incumbent... in favor of a moderate, anti-tort-reform legislator-turned-lobbyist. For someone who wants to run for lieutenant governor in two...

Crime Can Pay for Legislators

The state’s generosity toward those who have betrayed the trust of those they have pledged to serve isn’t limited to just State Rep. Joe Driver.