Andrew Kerr

Rally: Keep the Teachers, Cut the Fat

A week and a half ago there was a rally in support of education at the capital. While there was a wide variety of folks attending with different backgrounds and different opinions, there were a few things it seemed everyone could agree on…

Gone to Texas

Having enough of Illinois’ corrupt fiscal and political mess, a former Illinois state senator says he’s “tired of subsidizing crooks” and had declared he and his family are moving to Texas.

Educrats Drive Waste

Do you have a “sick-leave buy back” program at your workplace? Do you have a “luxury edition” company car? – Probably not… However, taxpayer dollars are being used for both in Texas school districts.

Fiscal Pop-Quiz

In their first budget vote of the legislative session, House members will have the chance to prove they meant it when campaigning on a fiscally conservative platform in November. Failing on this vote will set a poor precedent for the rest of Session.

Republicans For Tax-Hikes?

So a Republican state senator goes to work, gets scared by the budget, advocates balancing budget by increasing taxes and spending all the savings, then declares his position is “conservative.”  Is this a joke? Because it’s not funny… It’s also what’s going on right now.

Dr. Z’s Bad Meds

Some pretty nasty medicine was prescribed by State Rep. John Zerwas, MD, that he thinks will “dull the edge” of the current budgeting process. Sorry, doc, but yours isn’t a very sound diagnosis.

Eltife’s Crazy Budget

Well, you should give State Sen. Kevin Eltife two points for consistency.  It seems that his knee-jerk reaction to principled, fiscally responsible public policy is to decry it as “crazy” and “insane”.

Jump-Start the Volt?

One more industry is about to affix itself to the taxpayer’s already-abused wallet. The City of Austin is looking at plans to subsidize electric car charging stations, providing charge-ups on the taxpayer dime via the federal government.

Go For Bold

If there were ever a time for conservatives in the Texas House to act boldly in achieving good, common-sense public policy, now is it.

Don’t Break Open The Piggy Bank

Does your home budget-making process begin with the question, “how much should I take out of savings this month?” – Didn’t think so… But apparently, it’s a common starting point for some in the Texas legislature faced with making tough budget decisions.