In just the few days that early voting has been available to there has been a huge spike in early voting in Tarrant County from the 2004 election. According to the Arlington Star-Telegram, early voting is up nearly 51,000 from four years prior in the 2004 election during the same time period.
Mansfield Building Future Wealth Through Out-of-Towners
The city of Mansfield is looking to expand its appeal and services to more out-of-towners thanks to previous visitors. The city council is considering letting the Mansfield Economic Development Corporation, or MEDC as it is so well known around here, to conduct a study on the need for future facilities that would include full service business centers and possibly a convention center.
Arlington Fumbles Financing of New Stadium
The city of Arlington is finding that they fumbled the financing for the new Cowboys stadium in Arlington. The stadium, which was jointly financed by Jerry Jones and the city of Arlington is finding itself in the same predicament of many homeowners around the state as they have suffered the sting from a variable rate on the bonds that they used to finance the stadium.