State Sen. Bob Hall recounts his thoughts on the Ken Paxton impeachment trial.
Bob Hall
Hall: A Multi-pronged Approach to Ending Gender Reassignment of Children
It is time to end this madness.
Hall: School Safety — For the Preservation of Life, Liberty, and Property
We must never forget that not all of society’s problems can be solved with legislation.
Hall: Time to Reform the Texas Medical Board
True transparency in the TMB’s investigation process is paramount.
Hall: Legislature’s COVID Liability ‘Solution’ Creates Problems for Texans
We must never again forget that the government is instituted for the protection of the rights of individuals, not businesses.
Hall: Sustaining Economic Prosperity Through Resilient Energy Communities
There has been no significant planning for a catastrophic long-term loss of the electric grid.
Hall: 25% Tyranny Is Still Tyranny
It is time to fully open Texas—now.
Commentary: Texas Medical Board Now Triaging Patients
Unless the medical board prescribes for itself a good dose of reality and common sense, you are going to have to wait until you catch the virus if you want medical treatment anytime in the foreseeable future.
Commentary: No Compromising on Liberty
Will constitutional rights be lost under Republican control?
Commentary: Part 3 – The Hospital/Doctor
This is the third of a three-part series on a case study of liberty loss through government overreach.