19 states currently do not require dual license plates. Legislation filed in the Texas Senate could add Texas to that list.
Brandon Waltens
El Paso Proves Walls Work
U.S. Border Control apprehensions in El Paso dropped 73% one year after building a wall.
Trump Focuses on Border Security in El Paso Rally
“Walls are not immoral, human trafficking is immoral. Child Smuggling is immoral. Sanctuary cities that get Americans killed are immoral.”
Freshman Files Ethics Legislation for Local Officials
“Texans are fed-up with politicians profiting from their elected positions because of toothless ethics laws with massive loopholes.”
Taxpayers Versus Lobbyists at Property Tax Reform Hearing
Taxpayers travelled from across the state to talk about the effect of out-of-control property taxes.
Abbott Delivers State of the State Address
In his speech, Abbott listed six emergency items for the legislature to begin work on immediately.
South Texas Republicans Energized for 2020
At the Webb County GOP’s organizational kickoff, conservatives gathered in Laredo to rebuild the party.
Property Tax Committee Hearing Set in the Senate
Public testimony is scheduled for 12:30pm on Wednesday.
Governor, House, and Senate Leaders Unite on Property Tax Reform Plan
In an “unprecedented” move, the House and Senate have filed identical pieces of legislation to reform property taxes.
Texas Democrat Wants to Abolish Immigration Enforcement Agency
A bill by Democrat State Rep. Ron Reynolds would urge the U.S. Congress to end ICE.