Though Texas homeowners would see an average of $1,400 in property tax savings, some parts of the bill may be hard to swallow.

Though Texas homeowners would see an average of $1,400 in property tax savings, some parts of the bill may be hard to swallow.
The bills’ authors say the new language will not only address constitutional concerns, but it will also help governmental actors better understand the boundaries of the law.
The plan would heavily increase state spending on education, while dedicating less than 30 percent to actual property tax relief.
The bill’s price tag, however, is cause for concern for taxpayers in dire need of property tax relief this session.
The bill comes in response to the construction of a 90,000 square foot waterpark by La Joya ISD, a “Robin Hood” recipient district.
“The funds that are used to pay lobbyists divert money away from important community services and instead line the pockets of Austin lobbyists.”
If Kacal had his way, only highly populated Democrat-voting urban areas would see the full benefits of property tax reform.
We want to make sure this money this goes to teachers,” said Nelson.
The House Ways and Means Committee will consider House Bill 2 on Wednesday, February 27 at 8 a.m.
HB 281 has been scheduled for a hearing with the House Committee on State Affairs on Wednesday, February 27 at 10:30 a.m. or after adjournment.