“The members of the Lincoln Project have duly made themselves my opposition, an adversary, and I am focused on defeating them along with the progressive socialist left, the Democrat Party, here in the Lone Star State.”

“The members of the Lincoln Project have duly made themselves my opposition, an adversary, and I am focused on defeating them along with the progressive socialist left, the Democrat Party, here in the Lone Star State.”
Newly released financial reports show Abbott has used less than 0.2 percent of his political money to help Republicans keep Texas red.
Seven of Paxton’s top aides say they have reported his alleged violations “to the appropriate law enforcement authority.”
While some states are lifting restrictions, Texas lags behind.
A new survey shows UT Austin campus as one of the worst campuses for free speech nationwide.
The event is scheduled to take place on Saturday, October 10, from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Governor’s Mansion.
Two affidavits claim a massive illegal mail-ballot harvesting operation, led by “elite” Democrat officials, is being prepared for Texas’ most populous county.
“The city of San Antonio and the GLO have abused their authority, and it’s time for Texas to take back the entire Alamo Plaza through the power of eminent domain if necessary.”
“Governor Abbott seems to have forgotten that the Texas Constitution is not a document that he consults at his convenience.”
“As a former ardent supporter, I must condemn your management of the State’s response and formally announce that I am withdrawing my personal support of your actions.”