A newly released tool will help taxpayers find more information about local taxing entities.

A newly released tool will help taxpayers find more information about local taxing entities.
Ron Reynolds may serve his next legislative session from behind bars.
A new report is at odds with the mayor’s claims that pay parity will have a negative impact on pension reform.
Liberty County GOP hoping to change County Commissioners ruling.
Crosby ISD’s financial struggles are forcing its Superintendent and Board Members to take a second look at its budget.
School districts find success in August election.
Voters overwhelmingly pass a multi-billion county flood bond.
Last March, Houston’s convention bureau held public meetings about the city’s desire to lure a luxury hotel brand to town. The proposal recently passed the initial hurdle and will now undergo more negotiations before getting to city council, which will determine...
It’s not often you see elected officials holding each other accountable.
If taxpayers decide to support it, they should know a “yes” vote alone isn’t enough.