It seems like the more things change, the more things stay the same for Representative Jim Pitts.

It seems like the more things change, the more things stay the same for Representative Jim Pitts.
We’ve mentioned before that regardless of how much of a budget shortfall is estimated for the next biennium (anywhere from $16 billion to $27 billion), the way to approach it is not by asking what can we “cut from the top” of current spending, but what are the services that are “most essential and necessary.”
It seems Speaker Joe Straus’ supporters need a refresher on Statistics. Many of those supporters cite historic GOP gains in Texas’ House as evidence of political effectiveness. That means Mr. Straus should remain Speaker, doesn’t it? Hardly.
As Will Lutz, Managing Editor of The Lone Star Report said, “Bill Powers selling water to provide affordable education is like an arsonist joining the volunteer fire department to put out a fire he started.” Sadly, this has been the story of the entire bureaucratic machine at the University of Texas at Austin.
Your elected political heroes are at it again. On June 24th, the Austin City Council voted to spend $100,000 of your tax dollars on a study to find how the city could afford to pay for a $1.3 Billion (that’s right, I said “Billion”) light rail service that would supplement the already-failing MetroRail that cost taxpayers $105 million.