
Jump in Sales Tax Collections Shows Need for Refund Mechanism

Texas sales tax receipts increase of 9.5 percent in November over last year highlights the need for a mechanism whereby sales, property or other taxes would automatically be cut as money floods in.  Think of it – how many of the foreclosures engulfing Texas families could be avoided if property taxes were proportionally and immediately reduced.

Houston Chronicle Reports on Need for More Property Tax Relief

The Chronicle story "Homeowners still waiting for tax relief from Perry" reports most of the $2,000 promised property tax relief is evaporating due to appraisal increases, and in some school districts, rate increases. But the obstacle last session to more relief was the Legislature, not Perry.

Should Texas and Local Governments Use Tax Dollars to Subsidize Housing?

The Texas Dept. of Housing and Community Affairs may spend $30.9 million in public funds on renovating apartment complexes in Northwest Houston to serve as low income housing. Meanwhile, Austin approved $55 million in bonds for so-called affordable housing, but should government be in this business at all?


Job-Killing New Business Tax Exposed

The San Antonio Express-News reports that new National Federation of Independent Business radio ads assail the business tax that will take its first toll in May. The ads note some small businesses will see their tax burden rise by 1,000 percent over the current franchise tax.


State Fines Blanco County Taxpayers $80k Over Courthouse Windows

This story shows just how dysfunctional big government can be. The Texas Historical Commission is taking $80k from Blanco County taxpayers because the County, following a hail storm, replaced its wooden courthouse windows with acrylic windows that are virtually indistinguishable but considerably less expensive.Â