Michael Quinn Sullivan

Michael Quinn Sullivan is the publisher of Texas Scorecard. He is a native Texan, a graduate of Texas A&M, and an Eagle Scout. Previously, he has worked as a newspaper reporter, magazine contributor, Capitol Hill staffer, and think tank vice president. Michael and his wife have three adult children, a son-in-law, and a dog. Michael is the author of three books, including "Reflections on Life and Liberty."
TEC: Out-Abusing The IRS

TEC: Out-Abusing The IRS

After having an unconstitutional-power grab explicitly vetoed last year by Texas Gov. Rick Perry, the Texas Ethics Commission is rushing forward with a new regulation designed to silence critics of government and chill the freedom of association. Ironically, this is...

Malicious Prosecution

Malicious Prosecution

When they cannot win on merits in the public forum, the establishment resorts to malicious prosecution. The latest example of that are indictments handed down on Friday in Travis County against Gov. Rick Perry for a budget veto. You read that right: the liberal...

Witch-Hunt Committee Looks For Exits

Witch-Hunt Committee Looks For Exits

After voting two months ago to begin crafting articles of impeachment against a whistle-blowing state official, members of the Orwellian-named House Select Committee on Government Transparency in State Agency Operations have gone into political survival mode, suddenly...

Claim: Powers Misled UT Investigators On Role

Claim: Powers Misled UT Investigators On Role

New information is emerging this morning that lays the growing legislative clout-abuse scandal at the feet of UT President Bill Powers. At issue is a growing body of evidence that individuals with sub-par qualifications have been granted acceptance to UT based on...

Texas Cities: If It Moves, Tax It

Texas Cities: If It Moves, Tax It

Long recognized as the loudest opponent of taxpayer rights and conservative reforms in the state capitol, the Texas Municipal League have become masters of hiding their grow-government agenda behind the language of "local control." Oh, they want local control... for...

Claim: Powers Misled UT Investigators On Role

Responding To UT Law School Foundation

Indistinguishable from the governmental entity at the center of a growing clout-abuse scandal, the UT Law School Foundation is taking a curious tone of defensiveness one would not expect from lawyers: ‘We didn’t do anything wrong and we won’t do it again.’ Two weeks...

Exoneration Day!

Exoneration Day!

Yesterday marked the beginning of the end of the Texas Ethics Commission’s short-lived desires to be the speech-regulators of the Lone Star State. It marked the beginning of the end of an unconstitutional statute that puts every Texan on the hook for abusive...