Anson Graft’s “Flat Stanley” visited Empower Texans’ 1836 Studios, the Texas Capitol, and then the White House.

Anson Graft’s “Flat Stanley” visited Empower Texans’ 1836 Studios, the Texas Capitol, and then the White House.
Republican Railroad Commissioner, Wayne Christian, had a resolution passed by the Interstate Oil and Gas Compact Commission (IOGCC) asking President Donald Trump and Congress to identify federal regulations that should be delegated back to the states.
In order to strengthen the Republican Party Platform and elect strong conservative leaders, citizens must plan on becoming delegates to the state convention of the Republican Party of Texas.
Grisham said he was running to fight against the special interests in Austin that had waylaid so many reform efforts in the Texas House.
Dokupil and grassroots leaders in the district are making sure that voters are aware of Davis’ abysmal record of supporting big government policies.
Despite having two Republican Primary challengers, Deanna Metzger looks to be headed to a general election against Democrat State Rep. Victoria Neave.
100% of the precinct chairs in his district have endorsed Boos in the race and so have both of his members of the SREC.
Perhaps because he can’t defend his liberal record in Austin, Ken King’s campaign has taken to peddling fake news.
Liberals are using school districts to help hijack the Republican primary at the expense of students, teachers, and taxpayers.
“Well, at least she’s better than a Democrat,” her supporters claim. But even that isn’t true.