Conservative activists are headed towards what appears to be a good night on March 6th, but they should making plans to continue the fight afterwards. In most counties, Republicans will be able to meet in precinct conventions immediately following the election or shortly thereafter and begin the process of establishing the party platform and selecting delegates to the state convention.
In order to strengthen the Republican Party Platform and elect strong conservative leaders, citizens must plan on becoming delegates to the state convention of the Republican Party of Texas. Once there, these grassroots activists will participate in shaping the role, direction, and platform of the Republican Party. You can do this by submitting resolutions to change the platform. We have written three example resolutions that you can put forward at your precinct convention. Click on the respective links to read and print the resolutions:

  1. Strong Spending Limit For Property Tax Relief
  2.  Turn Off The Magnets (Immigration Reform)
  3. Defunding Democrats (Tax Payer Funded Union Dues)

Delegates volunteer and are chosen by their County or Senate District Conventions to attend the State Convention that will take place in San Antonio June 14-16, 2018.
Complete the form at the bottom of the page, and we’ll work to inform, engage, and equip you with the resources you need to strengthen the Republican Party platform and fight for liberty at the state convention.
There are three steps to being a delegate:
Step 1: Precinct Conventions
Your 2018 Precinct Convention will be held sometime after the polls close on Primary Election Day (March 6, 2018) at your designated polling location and before the County/Senate District Conventions (March 24, 2018).
Please check with your local Republican County Chair for the most up to date information.
If you voted in the Republican Primary or are affiliated with the Republican Party, you can participate in this convention. You can introduce conservative resolutions and elect delegates and alternates to the next convention level.
Step 2: County / Senate District Conventions
Your County or SD Convention will be held on March 24, 2018. Your county party sets the location and time.
In the days or weeks before the convention, you can attend committee meetings and offer input about what issues are important to you. At the County / Senate District Convention, you will be able to vote on conservative resolutions and elect delegates and alternates to go to the State Convention.
Step 3: State Convention
This convention will be held in San Antonio from June 11th-16th.
You will be able to testify before the committees on issues important to you, vote on the platform that reflects the principles of the party.
Once you complete and submit this form, we’ll reach out to you with all the additional information you need!
[gravityform id=”20″ title=”Commit to be a conservative delegate!” description=”true”]

Zach Maxwell

Zach Maxwell is a contributor to Texas Scorecard and leads the Texas Torchbearers. Raised in Cisco, he has worked in various positions in the legislature and on campaigns.