Readers offer their insights and experiences.

Readers offer their insights and experiences.
The ordinance would also allow for local government to enforce the penalties now that Roe v. Wade has been overturned.
To mitigate catastrophic short-term risks, we must enact a voucher school funding system, now.
As a self-governing people, we must pursue personal and public righteousness.
The chains of government are heavy and endless.
Requiring an employee to take an experimental injection the employee does not agree to take as a condition to keeping their job infringes on the dignity of the employee by coercing them to violate their conscience.
“The real power for winning this war lies with the grassroots forming local groups to hold school boards and schools accountable.”
Praying for our republic’s politicians and not the citizens is like asking a physician to alleviate the symptoms without addressing the disease.
The constitutional amendment will guarantee rising property taxes.
There is no end to the litany of things about which to be angry – but it doesn’t mean we have to be endlessly upset.
“Those who claim the solution to a problem is always more money or more government regulation … are demonstrably wrong.”
It is up to the politician to have a plan to meet the citizens’ demands.
Houston has a problem.
“It is not ok for an employer to force vaccines on employees. It is an assault on the liberty of individual employees to do so.”
Federal funding to reopen schools could contain a Trojan horse for critical race theory.
By Customs and Border Protection’s own estimation, the border is in crisis.
The escalation of property taxes over the last decade is truly an abomination.
“Let the taxpayers speak.”
If legislators fail and agree on 5% for the election trigger, then your property taxes can easily double in about 14 years. And remember, that means a 50% tax increase in just 7 years!
“My property taxes keep growing, and my government listens to local government and lobbyists—but not me.”
Lawmakers’ anemic efforts at property tax relief are taking Texas off the map.
Exemption for local tax authorities with less than $15 million in tax revenues must be removed so all local governments are held to the same standard.
Efforts to eliminate an institution of our republic nears completion as both Republican and Democrat forces silently deliver the fatal blows.
Both Republicans and Democrats alike have rushed to condemn Trump for taking unilateral action.
As Texas senators take up a proposed across-the-board pay raise for teachers, taxpayers are right to wonder when it will be their turn.