

LGBTQ Activists Attack Salvation Army

Singer and social activist Ellie Goulding threatens to back out of Thanksgiving Day show supporting The Salvation Army after fans attack the Christian charity as “anti-LGBTQ.”


Masters of Manipulation

Masters of Manipulation

The masters of manipulation are spending your hard-earned tax dollars researching which “facts” they should share and which they should brush under the rug.

Birdville ISD Backs Out

Birdville ISD Backs Out

Birdville ISD (BISD) officials, led by School Board President Cary Hancock, previously committed to deliver...

North Texas Toll Fight

North Texas Toll Fight

Mayors of Plano, Allen, and Richardson recently spoke against their state and county elected officials as...

Local Debt Requires Local Action

Local Debt Requires Local Action

Reforms to the debt-issuing process are needed to make it more fair and transparent. Several schools we’ve approached are working to adopt them, but others won’t if Texans fail to ask!

Big Cities Lean Left

Big Cities Lean Left

The fact that larger, urban areas lean to the political “left” shouldn’t surprise anyone.  But the degree to...