Interim City Manager Jesus Garza is hiring former Austin Police Chief Art Acevedo for a new assistant city manager position to help oversee and advise the police department.
Citizens Stop City From Issuing Debt Without Voter Approval
“The issue was not the debt, but that it was being issued without a public vote.”
Major Hospital CEO Refutes Austin Mayor’s Coronavirus Doomsday Prediction
The CEO chose not to follow the mayor in spreading erroneous messages to the public.
Mayor Sides With Citizens Against School Board on Divisive, Pro-LGBTQ+ Culture Plan
Southlake mayor publicly joins citizens against school district establishment.
Controversial McKinney Councilman Refiles Anti-Recall Lawsuit
Councilmember La’Shadion Shemwell, an outspoken Black Lives Matter activist, claims the city’s recall process is racially motivated.
Dallas County Primary Fights Set for 2020
Democrats field candidates in every race; eight have no Republican challengers.
Alarming Discrepancies Found in Midland Election
County officials’ attempt to reconcile bond election numbers uncovers more “missing” ballots and a mysterious ballot box.
Is A Democrat Running for Tarrant Republican Precinct Chair?
Vanessa Steinkamp looks to shore up Republican credentials in latest chapter of the conflict between the conservative and liberal camps in Colleyville.
Midland School District Spent Big on Controversial Bond Election
Records are just now being revealed that show the Midland Independent School District spent nearly $60,000 of taxpayer funds on election material that residents argue is unethical at best.
Republican Primary Field Grows in 13th District Race
The ballot is set in the race to replace U.S. Rep. Mac Thornberry.
Collin County GOP Primary Draws Last-Minute Filers
In solid Republican Collin County, few GOP incumbents face primary challenges, but Democrats have fielded candidates in all state House and most district court races.
Commentary: Dang It All, It’s Still on My Bill!
Taxpayers are still paying the fine for Dallas County Schools, the biggest corruption scandal in Texas history.
Potter County Voters to See Packed Ballot in 2020
Local voters will have their say on who will take the reins in a county threatened with high taxes and debt.
Field of Candidates Finalized for West Texas Congressional Seat
A total of 11 candidates filed for the CD 11 vacancy in the 2020 GOP Primary Election to replace retiring Congressman Mike Conaway of Midland.
Austin City Council is the Grinch Who Stole Everyone’s Money
Why does the council keep taking so much from Austin families?
A real test for Straus & conservative backers in the House
Earlier this week, Gov. Rick Perry renewed his call for a stricter Constitutional spending limit for Texas'...
Government Transparency Victory at Fifth Circuit Court
Good news for taxpayers in Texas! Today, the United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit upheld...
Deciding Against Gambling in Texas
The amount of regulation required for expanded gambling means expanded government.
New TFR Website
In advance of the 2012 general election and the next legislative session, Texans for Fiscal Responsibility...
Getting the Whole Truth About Taxation
In 1978, Texas voters approved a constitutional amendment to create truth-in-taxation and transparency in...
Making College Affordable – For Real This Time
At the DNC Convention tonight (hey, I watch so you don't have to), a good number of the speakers talked...
Why Hide Your Voting Record?
Why are some liberal candidates hiding their records this election season? They seem to be avoiding a public...
Finding a Practical Way to Cut Spending Now
Today, the Texas Senate Finance Committee will meet to discuss whether changes need to be made to the...
Stealth Tax Elections – in September
Thanks to a quirk of the Texas Tax Code, there are some tax hikes on the ballot - in September! We have...
Sticking College Kids with Yet Another Mandate
I believe in vaccinations. I think it's a good idea to take precautionary measures against potentially...