

North Texas Tolls Going Up

North Texas Tollway Authority announced an increase in tolls, growing the tax burden on North Texas drivers.


Music To My Ears: Tax Reform Center Of Gubernatorial Storm

On whichever side of the Rick vs. Kay (or is it Kay vs. Rick?) divide you stand, it’s Texas’ taxpayers who may benefit most from the jousting. Both have strongly endorsed, indeed made centerpieces of, taxpayer protection and relief.

Prescription For Bailing Out Of The Race For Texas Governor

There are many who still believe U.S. Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison will again bailout of the race for Texas governor as she did four years ago. The question has been: How does she do so while saving face, or more importantly, while maintaining a big political ego?

Shapleigh: More Government To Fix Government

Texas Politics, from the Houston Chronicle, reported that ultra-lib state senator Eliot Shapleigh of El Paso has authored a paperback book in which he points out “what he sees as dire consequences facing Texans.”

Combs Action Preserves Tomorrow, Protects Taxpayers

A true fiscal conservative protects the taxpayers even when it will raise the ire of those around them. Comptroller Susan Combs inherited a structurally-flawed college program known as the Texas Tomorrow Fund.

City of Austin Shifting Costs

In an effort to keep up with city improvements without growing Austin’s budget city manager Marc Ott is employing a new cost sharing technique.  Ott is hoping to match willing residents, non-profit groups and businesses with the city to fund tasks like putting in speed humps and repainting bike lane stripes.

Public Distrust Of Media Well Earned?

Two points on maintaining credibility with the public. First, let’s turn to Texas self-anointed conservative commentator Gary Polland of Houston.

Carrollton’s Responsible Budgeting

While it seems like these tough fiscal times aren’t news anymore, how taxing entities deal with them should be. The Metroplex suburb of Carrollton’s city council recently demonstrated fiscal responsibility by attacking revenue shortfalls through spending restraint instead of tax hikes.

Simply Unhealthy For Texans

In exchange for higher taxes and worse budget pressures, Texas could expect to continue to find high numbers of uninsured people, if President Obama gets his health care “reform.” My friend Arlene Wohlgemuth, an expert in health care policy and a former state representative, reports that the proposal would cost every Texan a staggering $4,265 per year.

Is Border Violence Important?

Is Border Violence Important?

Last week Governor Perry announced the deployment of special teams of Texas Rangers to our border with Mexico to deal with increasing violence. Perry said it was necessary, in part, because the federal government has failed to address growing problems there, the AP reported.