


Disappointing Attack

It is one thing for Todd Staples to attack an opponent, but it is quite another for him to misrepresent Sen. Patrick’s record…

Sullivan & TFR to TEC: ‘Nuts’

Sullivan & TFR to TEC: ‘Nuts’

Texas has lawless agencies and rogue elected officials attempting to regulate the very speech our founding fathers wanted most desperately to protect.

Fake Requester

Fake Requester

Someone has been falsely presenting themselves as a Texans for Fiscal Responsibility operative…

Get Two Free Tickets to a UT, A&M, or Texas Tech Game*

Get Two Free Tickets to a UT, A&M, or Texas Tech Game*

It is common knowledge around Austin that state officials are offered free tickets to UT sporting events. What wasn’t known—until now—was which Reps, Senators, and statewide officials take advantage of the program.

Dropping Fs

Dropping Fs

In the face of a looming conservative challenge, another F-rated legislator isn’t seeking re-election.

2013’s Biggest Disappointments

2013’s Biggest Disappointments

Still feeling underwhelmed from the lack of conservative policy outcomes during the regular session? Your incumbent legislator’s underachievement is likely the primary source.

Culture of Clout-Abuse?

Culture of Clout-Abuse?

When people entrusted with a public office act as though they are above the law, the governing system needs a new set of leaders.