


Drive More and Don’t Buy a Hybrid

A hot topic of discussion on Empower Texans lately has been the potential threat of rising state gasoline taxes. Clearly there have been revenue shortfalls due to the recession, but is this the only reason?

Texas Congressional GOP had better awaken to the public mood

A Dallas Morning News story about the GOP race for Texas governor included this: “…Rep. Mike Conaway, R-Midland, isn’t taking sides in the governor’s race but he’s unhappy about the way Perry has indiscriminately bashed Washington insiders.”

More Charters!

Texas Tribune is reporting that the education commissioner has found a way to increase the number of charter schools. That’s great news for kids, even if the teacher unions and state Democratic party are up in arms.

Is Hopson’s Flip A GOP Flop?

When State Rep. Chuck Hopson switched from the Democratic to Republican party, the partisan balance for the GOP in the Texas House has improved. But does his switch mean an improved voting record? Apparently not. Indeed, it seems centered more on his own political convenience than any sense of conservative conscience.

Speaker Is, And Isn’t, Open To Gas Tax Hike

Less than 12 hours after posting “Et Tu, Straus?” the aforementioned Republican House Speaker Straus’ office called to say that he didn’t mean what he said — or what the news media reported he said — about being open to the indexing of gasoline taxes. He’s just open to it being on the table.

Et Tu, Straus?

Texas’ Republican House Speaker Joe Straus has said he is “open” to raising gasoline taxes. While everyone is concerned about the problems with transportation in Texas, it seems Mr. Straus (R-San Antonio) can only envision them being addressed first with higher taxes.

An 8% Victory

Only 8% of the state’s 12.9 million registered voters took part in the constitutional ballot election. That’s not a healthy sign, given how important those amendments are. It’s shocking that 92% of the registered voters didn’t have an opinion on property tax reform, eminent domain abuse or new funding schemes for public universities.