


Health Care Compact Looking Strong

As the legislative session comes to a close, rumors are more numerous than facts. But one sure fact is that the much-needed Health Care Compact is on track for adoption in the Lone Star State. State Rep. Lois Kolkhorst and state Sen. Jane Nelson deserve great credit for bringing it forward.

More Money Going To Public Ed

According to the House-Senate Conference Committee working on Texas’ new budget, state funding for public education will increase by $125 million in 2012-2013.

Media: Voters Are Ill-Informed Children

Here’s more evidence you are upsetting the status quo in Austin: the media is complaining about the impact you’re having on legislators! The managing editor of one publication said this week that voters like you are “children” who legislators need to tell to “shut up” and force higher taxes upon.

Conservative Budget Won’t Be Derailed Now

As the Texas Legislature and the budget deal seem to be breaking down over school finance, Senator Florence Shapiro (R-Plano) is going to the mat to iron out the differences and deliver what is necessary.

College-Level Scam

Apparently our state’s colleges and universities don’t have enough to do, so they’re trying to get permission to compete with private-sector telecomm providers. Given how little time so many university employees devote to students, at ever rising tuition rates, one wonders just how expensive this foray will be for taxpayers.

Taxpayers: Legislators Heard You!

Tonight’s budget agreement between the House and Senate is a big win for Texas’ taxpayers, and the future strength of the state’s economy.

Is A Budget Deal Near?

As the close of the legislative session approaches, it appears a deal is nearly done on a 2012-2013 state budget that reflects more closely the conservative principles taxpayers have been demanding from lawmakers.

Why Does Higher Ed Oppose Stewardship?

Texas’ universities have a dirty little secret: they don’t want taxpayers, parents or students looking too closely at their books. And they certainly don’t want to answer questions about performance.

Senate Digs Deeper Into RDF

By a vote of 30 to 1, the Texas Senate today passed their version of HB 275 which taps the state’s rainy day fund for the current biennium. They are withdrawing $800 million more than the House.