On July 11, the Navarro County Health Department used our tax dollars to host Planned Parenthood, the global leader in infanticide, at their facility in Corsicana.
In addition to the agency’s history of intimidating businesses into closing their doors, forcing useless masks on children, and bullying citizens into compliance with dangerous vaccines, the Navarro County Health Department is now rolling out the red carpet for the abortion industry in our community.
The Navarro County Health Department has been the poster child for bad government performance since the early days of facilitating illegal COVID lockdowns, and they are now doubling down on displaying their bad behavior by using our tax dollars to support Planned Parenthood’s operations in our backyard.
Do not believe the lie that Planned Parenthood is here to provide “low-cost women’s health.” Their long-term goal is to deceive women into believing their propaganda so they will return for multiple abortions over a lifetime.
Texas’ recent Heartbeat Bill has saved thousands of lives since the Roe v. Wade decision was correctly overturned, and Planned Parenthood’s national strategy has been to target states with these lifesaving laws and prey on vulnerable women—luring them in with free logistics to procure abortions in neighboring states.
Our health department has foolishly decided to use our tax dollars to support Planned Parenthood’s strategy of indoctrinating women into their culture of death.
The Navarro County Health Department’s decision to promote the largest abortion provider in the world right here in Corsicana is an unacceptable and unforgivable mishandling of our tax dollars. All taxpayer funding, including City of Corsicana funding, must stop until there is new leadership at the Navarro County Health Department.
This is a commentary published with the author’s permission. If you wish to submit a commentary to Texas Scorecard, please submit your article to submission@texasscorecard.com.