
Commentary Archive

Staff Blog: Texas Republicans in the Age of Disruption

As Republicans in the Texas Legislature celebrate their “accomplishments” this session, a wave of populist anger is rising toward them from disappointed grassroots activists. The western world, with a few exceptions, seems to be in an era where political parties...


Crossroads of the World

A little over a year ago I made my first visit to Tel Megiddo in northern Israel. It’s an ancient city sitting at the natural crossroads of the ancient world. As one long enamored with archeology, I could have stayed for days – and I cannot wait to return for our...


Commentary: Lone Star Exception

An abridged version of this essay appeared in City Journal on May 15, 2019. Big cities across the U.S. increasingly sacrifice public safety for political correctness, catering to left-leaning critics by hamstringing law enforcement. In Los Angeles, San Francisco, and...


Commentary: Texas’ Silence on Baby Heartbeats

It is still mind boggling to me that Texas is silent on the heartbeat of babies. What has happened to our legislators who said they would fight for life? Another legislative session ended with deafening silence from those given the power to protect the heartbeat of a...

Staff Blog: Deal-Making and the Texas Legislature

“We’re making deals” was perhaps the favorite excuse Texas state lawmakers used during this legislative session to appease Texans who were waiting for their representatives to deliver long-promised results. And they’re still saying it, despite this disappointment of a...

Commentary: Wake Up

While watching the dialogue on social media, it is interesting to see that the very people who told the grassroots that "the Austin bubble could easily swallow you up" ... have been swallowed up. To those elected and the staffers working so hard to defend the 86th...

Commentary: Texas’ Legislative Status as a Purple State

Across the nation, Republican-held states are passing conservative legislation and Democrat-held states are pushing liberal agendas. At a time when citizens are looking for bold colors, Texas Republicans delivered a legislative session of pale pastels. Republican...