
If you wish to submit a commentary to Texas Scorecard for possible publication, it must be no longer than 800 words. Please send it to:
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Commentary Archive

Psst: It’s Not About Trump

Reflecting on last night’s Trump rally in Dallas, it struck me that part of the reason the political elite want Trump gone is because of these massive rallies and what they represent. The elite—from both parties—see Americans unified and electrified by a vision for...

Commentary: Gov. Greg Abbott, I Will Never Vote for You Again

The following letter was sent to Gov. Greg Abbott following the receipt of an invitation to an upcoming campaign fundraiser. Dear Governor Abbott: I received the attached invitation and it motivated me to let you know that I am very disappointed at your performance as...

Staff Blog: Why All Politicians Must Be Held Accountable

If we want to avoid another purple session, we must never give our elected officials rest from accountability; we must demand actions, not words. When the tyrannical Joe Straus retired, many thought the battle was over. It should be obvious now, with the deception of...

Hearing Bonnen’s Deceit

When House Speaker Dennis Bonnen invited me to his office, I didn’t know he would immerse me in a quid pro quo scandal that threatens to “destroy” (in the words of Texas’ lieutenant governor) the Republican Party in Texas. I was suspicious of Bonnen’s actions during...

Commentary: Time to Clean House

These final few months of 2019 are “all hands on deck” as we prepare for an election that will undoubtedly turn out record numbers of voters on both sides of the aisle. Everyone involved in grassroots activism, campaign staffers, and even block walkers know that 2020...