
Commentary Archive

Commentary: Lies the Left Tells About Guns

Congress reconvenes this week after a summer fraught with multiple mass shootings. Reportedly, legislation implementing tighter gun control is on the table, with rumored support by some in the White House. The rhetoric surrounding guns continues to escalate. Here’s...

Commentary: Freedom Caucus Fundraising Down 62 Percent

Following the last legislative session, conservative activists and donors across Texas expressed dismay with what they believed to be lackluster results. We’ve reported the reasons for the general discontent from the Republican base here and here, as well as their...

Commentary: The Great GOP Disconnect

“The grassroots are upset because they’re being told to be upset.” Of all of the statements from the now-infamous recording of the conversation between House Speaker Dennis Bonnen, Rep. Dustin Burrows, and Empower Texans CEO Michael Quinn Sullivan, this stood out to...


Keep Fighting!

Before my first trip to Israel, numerous friends had told me Masada would be my favorite stop – “It’s Israel’s Alamo!” they would say. It’s a beautiful place, overlooking the Dead Sea to the east. The innovative architecture made it all but impenetrable. And, yes,...

Staff Blog: I’ve Tried Property Tax Reform, I Want Relief

We’re still a year away from the Texas Legislature’s new property tax reform law taking effect, but taxpayers in one Texas county are already trying it out, only to be left disappointed. Signed into law by Gov. Greg Abbott this summer, Senate Bill 2 gives voters a...

Where Is the Retraction?

House Speaker Dennis Bonnen’s actions are threatening the future of Republicans in the Lone Star State. He has been caught in repeated lies yet refuses to retract his false statements. Meanwhile, the state’s GOP officials are standing idly by—choosing the convenience...

Burrows Speaks, And Lies

After staying out of the public eye for a month, State Rep. Dustin Burrows last week began speaking about his role in the June meeting that has focused a light on the unethical actions of House Speaker Dennis Bonnen. Unfortunately, the Lubbock Republican has chosen to...