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Commentary Archive


Kings Die

Governments are instituted among men, the Declaration of Independence correctly notes in order to secure our inalienable rights. Too often, of course, men (and women) end up creating (or tolerating) a government destructive to those purposes. It shouldn’t surprise us...


Commentary: Klick Calls for Help

Stephanie Klick stymied key election integrity efforts during the 2019 legislative session. Recently, the frazzled four-term lawmaker has struck out to defend herself for killing one bill in particular: Senate Bill 9. Since this is an impossible task and misery loves...

Commentary: Hunter Biden’s Wild Ukrainian Ride

Democrats threw the country into turmoil this week announcing their intention to proceed with the impeachment of President Donald Trump. They just have a few problems. Chief among them, their narratives keep collapsing. First, there was the “cover-up,” both of the...


Tim Harry: Restoring Accountability in West Texas

When government begins to fail in its basic responsibilities due to poor leadership, corruption, or liberalism, Tim Harry will usually be the first face to appear, leading a citizens brigade of angry taxpayers to restore accountability to the people. A native to the...


Commentary: No Compromising on Liberty

The unwarranted attack on Texan’s inalienable right to self-defense is intensifying. There is no question, Texans' GOD-GIVEN RIGHT to self-defense is under attack. The battle lines have been drawn and it is crystal clear that the socialist Democrat politicians on the...

Commentary: Lone Star Status

Though the 2020 election is more than a year away, we can already see that the state of Texas is going to be the key to determining whether the Republicans will have a chance to reclaim the House majority next year or if Democrats will actually expand their conference...


Commentary: Impeachment Politics

With the House beginning the impeachment inquiry, it is a good time to overlay the political map regarding those Democratic members who may find themselves in a difficult position as a result of this procedure. In all, President Trump carried 31 congressional...