
Texas is Not For Sale

Texas is Not For Sale

The right to secure land and property leads to increased security, economic prosperity, and independence for American citizens, and our nation’s land should rightfully be owned by its citizens.

If you wish to submit a commentary to Texas Scorecard for possible publication, it must be no longer than 800 words. Please send it to:
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Commentary Archive


The Church, Silenced

Now, more than ever, America needs a muscular church unafraid of earthly powers and principalities—not the one we’ve seen cowering during the decisive fights of our day. We need more pastors like John MacArthur of Grace Community Church outside Los Angeles, who has...


Kecseg Has Gone To Be With The Lord

The president of Texas Scorecard, Ross Kecseg, passed away Wednesday night after a fight against cancer. He was 36, and he leaves behind a wife and young son. A native of North Texas, Ross graduated from Bishop Dunne High School in Dallas. He graduated from Arizona...

Dow: An Open Letter to All Texas Legislators

The people of Texas, the constituents whom you serve, have suffered greatly during the many months since the coronavirus spread across our nation. The effects of lockdowns, mandates, restrictions on the conduct of business, and the forced isolation of hospital...

Ellis: The Tie Scenario

As we move closer to Election Day, various scenarios are being discussed and theorized about who will win the presidential race and which states will fall to what candidate. A little mentioned outcome, that is a mathematical possibility, is an Electoral College tie. A...

Huffines: Texans Need Outsiders Like Shelley Luther in Austin

The political class has a way of rallying around its own. As a Texas state senator in Austin, I quickly learned the first rule for newly elected members was to never expose the bad actions of your colleagues or to hold them accountable to their campaign promises. Most...


Not Worse, But Not Better

To believe the handwringing social media posts I scroll past every day, this is the worst presidential election in history. We’re told  that our Founding Fathers must be rolling in their graves. Whatever other cultural decay we have experienced, a bipartisan...

Hall: 25% Tyranny Is Still Tyranny

Today, the Texas government reiterated its newly found disdain for liberty and justice when they proudly announced their vision for re-opening Texas. This is not enough. Texans do not want incremental liberty and freedom. Texans want and deserve liberty and freedom in...

Miller: Why Would American Ag Ever Go Back?

As a new vocational agriculture teacher in the small Texas town of Gustine, I had the pleasure of teaching our state’s future agriculture leaders about the joys—and occasional discomforts—of agriculture. I reminded my young students that while the agriculture industry...