
Commentary Archive

Blog: Let’s Not Pretend This Is Constitutional

We are several weeks into the crisis caused by the spread of the Chinese coronavirus and the governmental response. Gov. Greg Abbott and local officials across the state have issued various proclamations aimed at combating the virus. Some of these proclamations claim...

Commentary: Governor Abbott, I Am Shocked.

Governor Abbott, I have concluded reviewing your Executive Order GA-14 and am shocked. It is hard to believe you instituted this Executive Order given the statistics so far. The problems of New York City are not the problems of Texas. No city in Texas is like New York...

Commentary: Layoffs Anyway?!

The ink is barely dry on the $2.2 trillion congressional relief package and companies who received funding in the bill—which is designed to help keep people employed—have begun announcing layoffs, anyway. On March 27, United Airlines announced that, despite taking...


Rule of Law

History is replete with examples of judicial abuse and executive power exercised unjustly. Even in our own Republic, where we say the “law is king,” we find horrible miscarriages of justice. Yet none in history was more consequential than the trial and execution of...


Commentary: Texans Being Denied Their Right to Carry?

While walking to your car, a man lunges at you and demands your wallet. What do you do? In Texas, if you have a License to Carry, you can draw your handgun to deter the assailant and protect yourself. If you don’t have your government permission slip, you must hand...