
If you wish to submit a commentary to Texas Scorecard for possible publication, it must be no longer than 800 words. Please send it to:
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Commentary Archive

Commentary: Trump Should Stay the Course on Drug Pricing Order

The Trump Administration on Friday took a dramatic step to break Big Pharma’s hold on American drug prices in Medicare Part B, announcing an executive order aimed at drastically reducing the costs of the most expensive Medicare drugs by linking them to the lowest-cost...


Commentary: The Wild Polling Spectrum

We’ve seen a plethora of presidential state polls released in the past couple of days, and the results seem to swing wildly among the various pollsters. While most studies have shown former Vice President Joe Biden at present winning most of the key states, his...


Commentary: The GOP Senate Is Asleep at the Wheel

It hasn’t escaped the notice of most Americans that, to put it mildly, things in the country are not going well. But one group of people hasn’t seemed to pick up on it, yet: Congress. To be more precise, the Republican-led Senate. As American cities burn, police...

Coronavirus Mandate Stories: ‘I’m Not Able to Wear a Mask’

At a meeting of a North Texas commissioners court, a woman testified about her personal struggles at work and with others who are ostracizing her because she cannot wear a mask. She implored elected officials to be more clear with the public when relaying exemptions...