
Y’All Answered: Biden on the Ballot?
Readers offer their insights and experiences.

Remembering Rene Poe: A Lifetime of Dedication
A celebration of Rene’s life will be held on July 12 in Granbury.

Amarillo City Council Rejects ‘Sanctuary City for the Unborn’ Ordinance; Initiating Committee Votes to Send Ordinance to November Ballot
The Sanctuary City for the Unborn Ordinance will now go before voters in the November 2024 election.
If you wish to submit a commentary to Texas Scorecard for possible publication, it must be no longer than 800 words. Please send it to:
Commentary Archive
Commentary: Texas Runoff Tomorrow
The general election is finally getting underway in Texas. The long-awaited Lone Star State runoff elections are tomorrow, postponed from May 26. At the federal level, 16 nominations will be decided, one for the Senate and 15 more in U.S. House races. In Texas, if no...
Blog: The Difference Between Permanent Failure and Ultimate Victory
As freedom lovers press forward through the hardships of 2020, the fire of resistance continues to rise as we recently got slapped with a statewide mask mandate. As Winston Churchill once said, “When going through hell, keep going.” This year has been a very trying...
Commentary: Inside Associated Republicans of Texas’ Support for Pro-Gun Control Democrats
The board of the Associated Republicans of Texas—or “ART,” as it's referred to in political circles—doesn’t quite live up to the Republican part of its name. Since 2015, ART’s board has donated almost half a million dollars to Democrats up and down the ballot in...
Fighting Is What Counts
There was no difference between July 3, 1776, and July 5. By all appearances, the American colonies were no more free, no more independent. The governing structures were not different. So what makes the Fourth of July so special? Consider this. We do not celebrate...
Two Recordings and Some Cocaine
One year ago, I pulled back the cover on the cronyism and corruption that pervades Austin and the highest levels of the Republican Party. In revealing a corrupt offer House Speaker Dennis Bonnen presented to me at a private meeting, I hoped the GOP would clean house –...
Commentary: Texas Supreme Court Ruling is Major Win for Parental Rights
AUSTIN — Just this morning, the Supreme Court of Texas (SCOT) handed down a decision in a landmark court case for parental rights, In re C.J.C. The case sets a major precedent for future parental rights cases that are heard in Texas. A recent review of the last 20...
Commentary: Viral Pandemic Exposed Poor Cash Management in Government
Seven hundred cities cut spending to fill budgetary gaps caused by coronavirus shutdowns; but rather than cut areas of excess, many plan to delay or flat out cut plans for road repairs and critical infrastructure improvements, equipment maintenance and purchases, and...
Commentary: COVID Response in Texas Highlights Vicious War for Medical Freedom
Texans are known for their tenacity and their fiercely independent spirit. We hold in high regard the ideals of personal responsibility, commitment to our families, and a limited government that allows us to live out these ideas without restriction. However, over the...
Commentary: Donald Trump Right to Suspend Guest Worker Visas
The Trump administration announced Monday executive and regulatory action that will suspend guest worker visas through the end of the year and permanently end the exploitation of the H-1B visa system. Together, these actions go further than any administration in...