Y’All Answered: Voted Early?
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Commentary, Life, Texas Scorecard Podcasts
Train Up Your Child…
Modern education is designed to produce serfs, not champions of liberty.
Y’All Answered: Should Lawmakers Profit Off State Contracts?
Readers offer their insights and experiences.
Commentary, Life, Texas Scorecard Podcasts
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Commentary Archive
Staff Blog: Why All Politicians Must Be Held Accountable
If we want to avoid another purple session, we must never give our elected officials rest from accountability; we must demand actions, not words. When the tyrannical Joe Straus retired, many thought the battle was over. It should be obvious now, with the deception of...
Commentary: Auditable Paper Trails for Electronic Voting Machines Secure Our Votes
Without election integrity and ballot security, our Republic and liberty are in jeopardy. For years, voters have questioned the security of electronic voting machines, and for several legislative sessions, auditable paper trail bills were filed but never passed. As...
Commentary: The Trump Administration’s Successful War Against Bureaucratic Bullies
All Andy Johnson wanted to do was build a pond. Andy, a welder, and his wife, Katie, have four girls and a small farm in Wyoming, and they needed a place for their horses and cattle to drink and graze. Working with state engineers, Andy and Katie spent hours, as well...
Hearing Bonnen’s Deceit
When House Speaker Dennis Bonnen invited me to his office, I didn’t know he would immerse me in a quid pro quo scandal that threatens to “destroy” (in the words of Texas’ lieutenant governor) the Republican Party in Texas. I was suspicious of Bonnen’s actions during...
Commentary: Time to Clean House
These final few months of 2019 are “all hands on deck” as we prepare for an election that will undoubtedly turn out record numbers of voters on both sides of the aisle. Everyone involved in grassroots activism, campaign staffers, and even block walkers know that 2020...
Kings Die
Governments are instituted among men, the Declaration of Independence correctly notes in order to secure our inalienable rights. Too often, of course, men (and women) end up creating (or tolerating) a government destructive to those purposes. It shouldn’t surprise us...
Commentary: Klick Calls for Help
Stephanie Klick stymied key election integrity efforts during the 2019 legislative session. Recently, the frazzled four-term lawmaker has struck out to defend herself for killing one bill in particular: Senate Bill 9. Since this is an impossible task and misery loves...
Commentary: Hunter Biden’s Wild Ukrainian Ride
Democrats threw the country into turmoil this week announcing their intention to proceed with the impeachment of President Donald Trump. They just have a few problems. Chief among them, their narratives keep collapsing. First, there was the “cover-up,” both of the...
Tim Harry: Restoring Accountability in West Texas
When government begins to fail in its basic responsibilities due to poor leadership, corruption, or liberalism, Tim Harry will usually be the first face to appear, leading a citizens brigade of angry taxpayers to restore accountability to the people. A native to the...