In the Texas Minute for August 23, we asked readers about a proposal to permanently revoke the teaching license for those teachers who intentionally expose children to pornographic material.
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“As a retired teacher, I felt compelled to comment on this one. When I was teaching, I felt that I had a very special and important job to do in educating children and helping them to be productive members of society who can think on their own, NOT indoctrinate them. Anyone who has charge of our precious children should never even consider pushing things on them which would be pornographic or remotely inappropriate. There is such a plethora of really good literature that there is NO excuse for forcing this garbage on impressionable minds. Yes, take away the license/ certificate of any person who does this.” – Andra Haney
“The vast majority of teachers are passionate about their subjects and desire parental support. Removing those who wish to undermine the family unit can only enhance the quality of education.“ – Arthur Potter
“Teachers that purposely expose children to pornography should not only lose their credentials they should be prosecuted just like any other citizen would be! It is shameful. God have mercy on our children.” – Lynn Tannehill
“License revocation is not a sufficient deterrent. They should likewise be criminally charged. If there isn’t a basis in law, then pass one!” – Jack Boteler
“With school-age nieces and nephews, it’s disturbing to me that today’s one-click survey is even a question.” – Hilda Maria
“Revoke their license and suspend the head of HR, principal and superintendent pending an investigation into the hiring of the teacher in the first place.” – Spencer Siino
“Any teacher that intentionally harms a student in any way, including exposure to graphic material, should be fired and prosecuted. Mental abuse is just as damaging as physical abuse, if not more.” – Dawn Martin
“Teachers should be held to the same standards and be prosecuted as child sex offenders when these situation arise.” – Thomas Williams
“Yes, they should be treated as sexual predators grooming our children. They should also go to jail.” – Pamela Millisor
“If teachers intentionally expose children to pornographic materials, then they don’t have the children’s best interests at heart and are thus disqualified from teaching our kids.” – Greg Milner
“I’m tired of teachers and administrators deliberately subverting parents and citizens in what our children are to be taught.” – Laura Morton
“A teacher involved in these issues is no different than someone trying to lure a child into a van with candy.” – Steve Crevier
“To me that opens the door to pedophilia and opens the mind of a child to think it’s acceptable behavior.” – Jan Goria
“Of course, the question remains as to who determines what is pornographic.” – Steve Price
“Polluting a child’s mind is evil and it would stop quickly with the right punishments.” – Dottie Barnes
“Exposing children to pornography is every bit as bad as exposing them to illicit drugs.” – Ken Bintliff
“These so-called teachers are no longer teaching; they’re attempting to indoctrinate. Accordingly, they no longer need nor deserve a teaching license.” – Terry Fokas
“Teachers who intentionally expose children to pornographic material should be prosecuted for child sex crimes and imprisoned.” – Rick Palmer
“Teachers who willfully expose children to pornographic material are GROOMERS! Period. They should not have ANY job around children, especially not a job in which the children have absolutely no authority to push back.” – Kristen McCarty