Working For The People

Collin County Judge Keith Self must feel like the only sane man in an asylum. As the chief administrator in fast-growing Collin County north of Dallas, he is trying to stop a $328.9 million bond package being sold as a plan to reduce traffic congestion. What’s his...

Headline: Socialists (Heart) Big Government

Newspapers around the state are breathlessly reporting that the Marxist-leaning Center for Public Policy Priorities thinks a massive national expansion of the Children’s Health Insurance Program is good for Texas. Of course, these are the same people who think...

Spying On Motorists?

The Texas Department of Transportation has been saying they’re broke, and cannot afford to build new roads. On the other hand, they have engaged in a multi-million-dollar advertising campaign to convince taxpayers to embrace new transportation policies. Now we find...

CHIPing Away At Taxpayers

What was Kay Bailey Hutchison thinking? As the only Texas Republican to support a massive expansion of the Children’s Health Insurance Program, Hutchison’s vote is contrary to the wisdom of Texas’ fiscal conservatives on a program of questionable...

Tax First, Spend More

Never has a newspaper gotten the story so right. The section heading said it all, “Taxing As A First Option.” That’s precisely the attitude of so many in government, and in this case the government apologists are admitting it. A Dallas Morning News article about...

Hey Kids, It’s Okay To Lie and Cheat

Texas school districts are showing kids that it is okay to lie and cheat so that you may get your way. This valuable life lesson comes courtesy of school districts efforts to convince voters to raise their taxes, as reported in today’s Dallas Morning News. At least...

City of Dallas Wants to Tax Internet Access

Congress is currently considering whether to extend and make permanent the temporary moratorium on Internet taxes, which will expire in November. The pick-pocketers at Dallas City Hall want nothing of it. The City's 30-page liberalism-laced "Legislative...

Government Housing

It’s only the latest in a string of bribery and corruption cases related to construction bidding, but this week’s indictment of State Rep. Terri Hodge (D-Dallas) and others should be a clarion call to reform the way governments hand out contracts. The case...

Embracing Mediocrity

Public education in Texas is a mess. That’s the nutshell version of a straightforward piece in the Dallas Morning News, in which the president of the Texas Association of Business presents sobering statistics to demonstrate that “state government has only...

Great Lakes, Big Taxes

Despite heavy protests, an outraged public and a giant pig, the people of Michigan are facing much higher taxes, brought to them courtesy of their Democratic Governor. The conservatives stuck together, forcing the governor and her Democratic legislators (and some...

Your Money Headin’ Down The Road

Remember the Texas Department of Transportation plan to use $9 million of your money to convince you to quit worrying and love the TransTexas Corridor? Well, it’s still going on, but now one of the Texas Taxpayer Heroes is stepping up to ask the Legislature to...

Taxpayers Funding Anti-Taxpayer Lobbyists

Taxpayers had a good day in court this week, but it doesn’t make up for the untold millions of dollars government entities have used in our money to lobby against the interests of the people paying for big government. Some time ago my friend Peggy Venable at...

A Hero And A Gentleman

Not only is he one of the best members of the Texas Legislature on fiscal issues, but State Rep. Jim Jackson (R-Carrollton) is a gentleman in the finest sense of the word. I had the honor of presenting him the “Texas Taxpayer Hero” Award at an event in...

Lawmakers Caught With Hands in Trauma Cookie Jar

Remember how the sporting goods tax has been diverted from state parks and the soon-to-be-abolished telephone infrastructure tax was funneled into general revenues after its purpose of connecting rural schools andl libraries had long been achieved. The San Antonio...