As the cheerleader for the massive corruption scandal at the University of Texas, PR-shill turned congressional candidate Jenifer Sarver often associated with bad actors. As a candidate in an open seat congressional race, she is associating with an even worse crowd.
Jenifer Sarver is one of the candidates running for the seat vacated by US Rep. Lamar Smith (R–San Antonio). As a public relations hack, she not only worked to stop needed reforms in higher education but defended admissions practices which saw politically-connected donors secure admission for under-qualified students.
She recently sent a notice to lobbyists in Washington, DC, that she will host a fundraiser there in early February being organized by the same firm that works for disgraced US Sen. Jeff Flake (R–Arizona). Her host committee is composed of “Michael Drobac, Lori Harju, Kalynne Harvey, Chad Heflin, Carl Holshouser, Ed Ingle, Lisette and Joseph Mondello, Aimee Wieland and Tony Williams.”
Those names won’t be familiar to most Texans, so let’s see what kind of DC-dwellers Sarver hopes to really represent should she accidentally be elected to Congress.

Michael Drobac: K Street lobbyist with McGuire Woods, and former legislative counsel to liberal politician Kay Bailey Hutchison.

Lori Harju: Another DC lobbyist who used to work for Rep. Kevin Brady (R–The Woodlands).

Kalynne Harvey: A Texas lawyer who lives in DC.

Chad Heflin: Former legislative director for liberal US Rep. Kay Granger (R–Fort Worth) and current air-traffic lobbyist.

Carl Holshouser: Senior Director of Government Relations for Visa.

Ed Ingle: General Manager for Government Affairs for Microsoft.

Lisa Mondello: Lobbyist with The McPherson Group

Joseph Mondello: DC lobbyist and accused hostage-taker.

Tony Williams: Former Democrat Mayor of Washington, DC.

As her list of hosts makes clear, if she wins, Jenifer Sarver will be working against taxpayers to aid cronies, Democrats and other swamp-dwellers.

Michael Quinn Sullivan

Michael Quinn Sullivan is the publisher of Texas Scorecard. He is a native Texan, a graduate of Texas A&M, and an Eagle Scout. Previously, he has worked as a newspaper reporter, magazine contributor, Capitol Hill staffer, and think tank vice president. Michael and his wife have three adult children, a son-in-law, and a dog. Michael is the author of three books, including "Reflections on Life and Liberty."