Two outgoing members of the Round Rock ISD board of trustees have filed a complaint alleging that the scandal-plagued district spent money it didn’t have in its most recent budget.

According to the complaint, filed by outgoing trustees Mary Bone and Danielle Weston, the district’s actual expenditures exceeded its appropriated budget by close to $10 million. Bone and Weston allege these expenditures violated a provision of state law.

The largest categories of overspending are facilities maintenance, food service, and counseling services. These three items combined make up over $5 million of the total. Eight smaller items make up the remainder.

To address these discrepancies, Bone and Weston are requesting an independent forensic audit of the district and for the results of the audit to be released publicly along with the names of those who authorized spending. In addition, they want changes in policy to ensure these abuses don’t occur in the future and a statement from the board majority regarding why it failed to address the issue when it was brought to the board’s attention earlier this fall.

This is hardly the first issue the scandal-plagued district has faced in recent years.

Texas Scorecard previously chronicled a months-long saga at Round Rock ISD in a 2022 special report and exclusive podcast series, Exposed, which included three separate investigations into the district and superintendent Hafiez Azaiez. Also investigated were five of the seven school board members facing allegations of covering up the superintendent’s alleged violence as well as weaponizing “censure resolutions” against two dissenting trustees.

A Round Rock ISD spokesperson told Texas Scorecard they cannot comment on the complaint.

Concerned Texans can contact the Round Rock ISD board through this web form.

Adam Cahn

Adam is a longtime conservative activist and an avid UT and Yankees fan.