Almost a week after a Corpus Christi venue hosted an all-ages drag show, a venue in Austin is now also going to be hosting a drag show targeting children. 

“Drag Queen Bingo” will be hosted on Saturday, February 10, at the Lawn in Austin. The Lawn is an outdoor truck park and market that has local shops and caters to families and children. 

The event is being hosted by self-proclaimed drag queen Tiffany Epiphany and will feature another drag performer, Maxine LaQueen. 

Epiphany confirmed on social media that the event will be open to all ages. He has posted numerous videos and photos of himself scantily clad in sexually suggestive attire. 

LaQueen has posted sexually explicit photos on his social media and openly protested Senate Bill 12, which prohibits sexually oriented performances for children under 18 years old. During legislative debate on the bill, LaQueen exposed himself while he was being escorted out of the House chamber for disruptive behavior.  

“He’s not someone you want around kids,” said Kevin Whitt, a former drag queen who now advocates for protecting children from sexualization. 

Texas Family Project President Brady Gray told Texas Scorecard that TFP will continue to expose the events to have them canceled.

“Every day Senate Bill 12 sits in limbo, more children are being exposed to this debauchery. One of the ‘performers’ at this event is a man who flashed the entire legislature from the House gallery in the 88th session,” explained Gray. “Texas Family Project has sent out action alerts on this event, we have asked Texans to call the venue and ask them not to host an ‘all-age’ drag show.

“We will continue to expose these events anywhere we find them and are proud of the communities who have taken a stand and seen them stopped. Now is the time for Austin to step up and defend our kids!” Gray added.

After Gov. Greg Abbott signed SB 12 into law, the American Civil Liberties Union of Texas sued the state to halt it from taking effect. A federal judge ruled in favor of the ACLU’s lawsuit and granted a permanent injunction on the new law, preventing violators from being subjected to up to $10,000 in fines per offense. 

Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton appealed to the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals and filed a motion to stay that injunction. However, the case has not yet been ruled on. 

Just last week, Texas Scorecard reported on another drag show targeting children in Corpus Christi. The event, hosted by Azul Entertainment, featured drag queens whose Facebook posts showed sexually explicit content. Despite TFP urging people to call the venue and have the event canceled, a social media post from Azul Entertainment showed the event was still put on, although no children can be seen in the image posted. 

For the Austin show, TFP and Defend Our Kids Texas sent out a call to action to have the show canceled. You can view it here.

Emily Medeiros

Emily graduated from the University of Oklahoma majoring in Journalism. She is excited to use her research and writing skills to report on important issues around Texas.