We recently covered the encouraging wave of conservative victories in the March Republican primary. If history is any guide, far less attention will be paid to May’s local elections. That’s unfortunate, not only because Texans are largely governed locally, but because that’s precisely where left-leaning forces will be focusing their efforts.
After all, the Fort Worth City Council is where Wendy Davis began her illustrious political career.
A report released by Battleground Texas describes how progressives are strategically targeting these races in an attempt to turn Texas blue from the bottom up:
“Like the Republicans, we know that as the Texas electorate more reflects the Texas population, Texans’ government will more reflect Texans’ shared, progressive values…Over the coming years, Battleground Texas will use the data-driven, people-focused approach that helped win grassroots campaigns throughout the country to turn the Lone Star State into a battleground where all elections — from City Council to the White House — are hotly contested.”
Most Texans are unlikely to ever support progressive values. In fact, a recent UT-Texas Tribune poll showed that no less than 80% of respondents self-identified as non-liberal (48 percent lean conservative, 32 percent trend towards the middle).
But if turnout in local elections continues to linger in the single-digits, the demographic makeup and ideological leanings of Texans will remain entirely irrelevant.
Stated differently, politics goes to those who show up.
If non-progressives continue to ignore local elections, Battleground Texas may eventually win. Sean Hannity and Karl Rove can drone on endlessly about the battle for the Senate and the White House …and those races are crucial to stop the federal usurpation of power.
But by their own admission, the progressive movement is not simply an overt war waged in Washington, but rather a death by a thousand cuts…in thousands of local elections across Texas.
And if progressives continue to insidiously rule over state and local education boards, for example, we will continue to graduate generations of youth intellectually scarred by moral bankruptcy, collectivist propaganda and civic indifference.
While the left has proven they will use any means necessary to win, Texas Republicans have been slow to act.
An undercover investigation by James O’Keefe at Project Veritas gathered video evidence of rampant tax fraud perpetrated by several non-profit organizations that hire Obamacare navigators. In case after case, their staff is shown encouraging ACA applicants to lie about their income so they can qualify for larger federal health insurance subsidizes.
To add insult to injury, Democrats and Republicans codified the program’s legitimacy under Texas law last session…so much for regulatory oversight!
Following the navigator scandal, BGTX was caught gleefully taking private data off voter registration forms and storing them in third-party databases, in apparent violation of state and federal law. The video was first publicized by Breitbart Texas, which shows staff explaining how the personal data of voters would be used to help Wendy Davis’ gubernatorial campaign.
The evidence compiled against BGTX was compelling enough to force the Texas Tribune to distance themselves from a left-wing ‘legal expert’, by removing his commentary defending the legal legitimacy of such tactics. BGTX even redacted its own statements defending its legality, before announcing to Reuters that the practice was “legally unclear”, promising to cease the registration-information-stealing-scheme altogether.
If the thought of hundreds of big-government cronies in Washington makes you nauseous, imagine how insidious thousands of left-wing Mayors, School Board Trustees, County Judges and District Attorneys could be in Texas?
News flash…many are already here.