It’s not so much that State Rep. Wayne Smith is a bad guy, despite a fairly bad record on fiscal and conservative issue. It’s that he does so very little as a legislator. And not “so very little” in the “try to get government out of the way” mindset, it’s that he does “so very little” when it comes to even being responsive to citizens.
It’s not that he’s mean-spirited; it’s just that he’s not there. It’s one thing to not be comfortable leading the charge, but Wayne Smith is all too often absent from the fight. When he’s around, he has spent the last decade working incrementally against conservatives while aiding the Austin establishment.
All of which stands in marked contrast to his challenger, Briscoe Cain, who works in the Ted Cruz mode of a conservative activism. Cain has proven himself as a conservative litigator, taking on the City of Houston’s bathroom ordinance, and — most recently – the City of Beaumont for denying police officers their right to have a Bible study during their breaks.
Despite his youthful appearance, Cain has actively led the charge in a variety of fights on behalf of the conservative movement. He and his wife have three children, living blocks from the home where he was raised.
Why It Matters: Texans are fed up with legislators who treat legislative service as a hobby to be indulged on a whim. Wayne Smith spends most of his time on the sidelines; Briscoe Cain is a proven fighter. For Texas to shine bright, we need more Briscoe Cains.