The Midland County Elections Commission, which has oversight authority of Elections Administrator Deborah Land, has announced a meeting this coming Friday morning with several items on the agenda.
Among the agenda items listed, the commission will “discuss and take action on the Elections Administrator.”
The recent handling of the 2019 Midland ISD bond election has left residents outraged, with hundreds of comments on social media calling for the administrator to be fired.
The election has been plagued with chaos and a multitude of mishaps, most notably with Land emerging during an election recount investigation with a ballot “mystery box” containing over 800 ballots that had been lost under her watch.
Land took a very passive tone in a news article regarding the elections, describing the multitude of mishaps as “one in a million” and that citizens should “just chalk that up to another ‘Oh, my, now what?’ kinda thing.”
The Elections Commission will also discuss the 2019 election and go into executive session to discuss elections personnel.
The meeting will be held on Friday at 10 a.m. at the Midland County Courthouse Annex.