
Local Archive

Houston Heights Residents Want To Ease “Dry” Rule

Residents living in Houston Heights seem primed to chip away at a rule that was solidified over a century ago when the Heights was annexed – the prohibition of alcohol sales for off-premise consumption. Thanks to the successful petition efforts of a citizen group –...

Midland School Board Calls for More Taxes

Increased property valuations in Midland won’t be the only thing to blame for the spike in your next property tax bill. On Monday, Midland ISD (MISD) Trustees took the first step in initiating a tax ratification election for the fall that, if passed, will raise the...

Coppell ISD Targeted Voters to Help Pass Record Debt Deal

A north Texas school district has been exposed for using manipulative targeting tactics for its May bond election, according to a recent open records request. The documents reveal Coppell ISD used a tactic known as “rolling polling” to target district staff and other...

Harris County DA Drops Charges Against Pro-Life Activists

All charges against David Daleiden and Sandra Merritt have now been dropped by the Harris County District Attorney’s office. Daleiden and Merritt are the Center for Medical Progress (CMP) investigators who uncovered Planned Parenthood profiting from abortions. They...

Property Rights: Up In Smoke

A taxpayer-funded hospital district is hoping to expand an already existing violation of property rights by extending a previous ill-conceived municipal “smoking ban” to include all public outdoor patios — effectively criminalizing smoking (and vaping) in all public...

Property Tax Hikes Caused by Double-Dipping

Texans seeking to stop rising property taxes should ask their local officials to adopt the “effective” tax rate. Otherwise, local officials are likely to “double-dip” by collecting more money from the existing tax base, while collecting new revenue from new properties...

Nearly 1,800 More Votes Than Voters?

A month after county officials were unable to answer questions raised about discrepancies in the March election results, a hushed meeting was held last week between a ballot machine vendor, county officials and representatives of the incumbent state representative......

Burton Praises FWISD for Reversing Anti-Parent Policy

State Sen. Konni Burton (R-Colleyville) publicly commended Fort Worth ISD for amending their controversial rules for student bathrooms and other facilities. The policy change can after intense parental outrage and criticism from Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick surrounding the...

City of Austin Further Targeting Ridesharers

Dismayed at the prospect of residents exchanging funds and transporting around the Capital City without their express blessing, the City of Austin is ramping up their targeting efforts towards a new ridesharing group, Arcade City — by sending armed law enforcement...