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Midland City Council Supports Statewide Texting Ban

The Midland City Council voted Tuesday to unanimously support a resolution requesting that the Texas Legislature and Governor take action to approve House Bill 80. HB 80, also known as the Alex Brown Memorial Act, would ban any “text-based communication” while...

Harris County’s Houston Problem

With the legislative session underway, Harris County is looking forward to legislation that will help them recoup much needed funds that are currently being collected by the City of Houston. A favorable bill would require Houston to spend more of the tax revenue...

Texas Republicans Poised to Fund ObamaRail

It was recently reported that TexRail received a $100 million line item in President Obama’s 2016 budget. Despite concerns over an alleged transportation funding “shortfall” and opposition from local constituents, Republicans representing Tarrant County at the...

SA Charter Commission to Recommend Pay Raise for Council and Mayor

During their public hearing last Wednesday, the San Antonio Charter Review Commission stated unanimous support in proposing multiple amendments to the City Charter, including a massive pay raise for council members and the Mayor, automatic compensation increases...

Ryan Elkins: Dedicated to Change

Ryan Elkins may be young, but he has experience that will rival that of many activists in the Houston area. The 20-year old, two-year Patriot Academy alumnus has been involved in fighting the issues burdening his community for the past six years. Elkins moved to The...

HISD Comes Up Short Again

At a Special Meeting on January 22nd, Houston ISD Board Members were delivered an unpromising update from the bond department on the status of their 2012 bond program and ongoing projects. The report notified board members that after asking Houston voters to approve...