
North Texas Voters Pass 9 of 10 Biggest City Bond Propositions in the State
Five of the 10 most expensive city bond propositions were in Dallas.

Ex-Tyler ISD Teacher’s Aide Accused of ‘Improper’ Relationship with Students
JBraylon Fears was booked into the Smith County jail on four charges.

Harris County Jail Reprimanded by State
The jail has failed to meet the minimum staffing standard of one detention officer for every 48 inmates.

Austin Council Passes Resolution Making the City a ‘Sanctuary’ for Child Gender Mutilation
Even before the council meeting began, activists showed up outside city hall to voice their opposition.
Local Archive
Working For The People
Collin County Judge Keith Self must feel like the only sane man in an asylum. As the chief administrator in fast-growing Collin County north of Dallas, he is trying to stop a $328.9 million bond package being sold as a plan to reduce traffic congestion. What’s his...
Harris County Tax Office Analysis Shows Disappearing Tax Cut While State Surplus Balloons
An October 1 analysis from the Harris County Tax Office confirms the vaunted school property tax cut will be short-lived. Paul Betttencourt's number-crunching shows that by 2009, the HISD school property taxes on the average residence will be only 2.02% less than in...
City of Dallas Wants to Tax Internet Access
Congress is currently considering whether to extend and make permanent the temporary moratorium on Internet taxes, which will expire in November. The pick-pocketers at Dallas City Hall want nothing of it. The City's 30-page liberalism-laced "Legislative...
Government Housing
It's only the latest in a string of bribery and corruption cases related to construction bidding, but this week's indictment of State Rep. Terri Hodge (D-Dallas) and others should be a clarion call to reform the way governments hand out contracts. The case is...
Great Lakes, Big Taxes
Despite heavy protests, an outraged public and a giant pig, the people of Michigan are facing much higher taxes, brought to them courtesy of their Democratic Governor. The conservatives stuck together, forcing the governor and her Democratic legislators (and some...
Houston METRO Wastes 183k on Propaganda; Chairman Receives $1k Monthly Car Allowance
Channel 13News investigative reporter Wayne Dolcefino has a revealing piece today about how Houston METRO is wasting over $183,000 on commercials running before movies in theaters that tell viewers how wonderful they are and how they can better use their time by...
Houston Chornicle Story Warns that “Bond Mania” May Wipe Out Property Tax Cut
The Houston Chronicle reports today that over 100 school districts around the state are submitting bond proposals to voters in November that could in many cases either substantially reduce of completely offset the property tax cut promised by state leaders. Harris...
State Rep. Hill’s Retirement Good For Taxpayers
The Dallas Morning News is reporting that Fred Hill (R-Richardson) isn't seeking re-election. This is welcome news for Texas taxpayers, according to the president of Texans for Fiscal Responsibility. Michael Quinn Sullivan said today that Fred Hill was the chief...
Fred Hill Won’t Seek Re-election, Regrets Not Raising Taxes
The Dallas Morning News blog is reporting that Rep. Fred Hill (R-Richardson) will not seek re-election. Hill now tells the Morning News that his one regret is "not passing legislation letting North Texas have local elections on expanding rail service."...