An investigation into Dallas Independent School District has revealed the district’s expansive communications regarding gender identity and sex education.

After Texas Scorecard reported that Dallas ISD has a department dedicated to LGBTQ youth last month, a new Open Records Request by the Dallas Express shows that Dallas ISD has more than  30,000 emails referencing gender identity and left-wing sex education advocacy groups.

The ORR requested documents dating back to last year containing the terms: “Transgender,” “trans youth,” “hormone therapy,” “puberty blockers,” “gender-affirming,” “gender affirming,” “nonbinary,” “Planned Parenthood,” “SIECUS,” “Sexuality Information and Education Council,” “Advocates for Youth,” “national sex education standards,” “Texas Is Ready Coalition,” “Healthy Futures of Texas,” “tucking 101,” “Trevor Project,” “North Texas Alliance to Reduce Unintended Pregnancy in Teens,” “Texas Campaign to Prevent Teen Pregnancy,” “Texas Youth-Friendly Initiative,” and “Texas Women’s Healthcare Coalition.”

In response to the request, the district demanded more than $9,000 to provide 30,628 emails referencing one of the aforementioned terms. A district official claimed most emails “are at least two pages and for every 100 pages to review and redact is [sic] 1 hour which is $15 dollars per hour.”

The Dallas Express estimated that if each email were two pages, it would cost about $9,188.

Due to the overwhelming cost, they narrowed their search to emails related to Dallas ISD’s school board trustees: Edwin Flores, Sarah Weinberg, Dan Micciche, Maxie Johnson, Justin Henry, Joyce Foreman, Ben Mackey, Camile White, and Joe Carreón. In addition, they asked for the district’s school leadership teams’ emails, including Tiffany Huitt, Mark Ramirez, Laura Garza, Ryan Zysk, and Tanya Shelton.

A district official responded, saying the terms appeared in 3,716 pages of emails and would cost $668 to obtain.

Similarly to school districts requesting thousands of dollars for transparency, Texas Scorecard recently reported that Texas state agencies are attempting to charge exorbitant amounts of money in exchange for documents referencing diversity, equity, and inclusion.

Among the different organizations mentioned in the request, many promote sex education curricula for young children starting in kindergarten.

The National Sex Education Standards—written by the Sexuality Information and Education Council (SIECUS) and Advocacy for Youth—instruct children grades 3-5 about masturbation, hormone blockers used to chemically castrate children, sexually transmitted diseases, and differences between “gender identities.” It also teaches kindergarteners the names of reproductive body parts and the definition of “gender identity.”

SEICUS was founded in 1964 by a medical director at Planned Parenthood—the nation’s leading abortionist group—to advocate for more progressive sex education. According to the Health and Human Services Department’s TAGGS program, the CDC has given the group nearly $3 million since 1988.

Planned Parenthood, also mentioned in the ORR, has also advocated for progressive sex education for minors.

In July, Texas Scorecard reported on Planned Parenthood offering to teach kids as young as 4th grade about puberty, sexuality, and sex. In another event called the “Middle School Sex Ed Summer Camp” in Austin, they advertised teaching children about gender and sexual identity, reproductive anatomy, and birth control.

Another group mentioned in the ORR, Healthy Futures of Texas, has promoted “tucking” and “chest-binding.” In their “educational program” called “Pride Guide to STI’s,” they include a section on “Tucking 101,” which shares “pro-tips” on how to safely and effectively hide male genitalia. They also teach young girls “best practices” on hiding their breasts with a chest binder, despite various health risks including life-long breathing issues and rib bruising and cracking.

The President of the Dallas ISD Board of Trustees, Justin Henry, has not responded to Texas Scorecard’s request for comment.

Emily Medeiros

Emily graduated from the University of Oklahoma majoring in Journalism. She is excited to use her research and writing skills to report on important issues around Texas.