Last Sunday a group of friends and I from Young Conservatives of Texas went up to Belton to walk precincts and meet voters for Ralph Sheffield’s campaign. Ralph is a great guy. He’s the owner of a mexian food restaurant called Las Casas in Temple (Go and try the “White Wings”). Most importantly, he’s a dyed-in-the-wool fiscal conservative — Just the sort of candidate Texas needs.

Well, it seems that Ralph has been under attack from his opponent — tax and spender Martha Tyroch, over his past financial records. The gist of the attack piece was that Martha thinks she knows better than small business owners about how they should handle their finances. Under her logic, Sheffield should have fired his 60+ employees and shuttered the windows of his restaurant to comply with the state’s massive tax burden, rather than put them off to be paid in full, with penalties, when business was better.

I was happy to see that all of the folks I talked with were much too smart for Tyroch’s attacks. They realize that she’s just another grow-government liberal who feels that she and her bureaucratic buddies are entitled to taxpayer money.

I’ve always kind of wondered why people like Tyroch have such a thirst for tax dollars. Maybe Martha’s receipts for lavish hotels, fancy dinners with fine wine, and gourmet chocolates provide an answer

Tony McDonald

Tony McDonald serves as General Counsel to Texas Scorecard. A licensed and practicing attorney, Tony specializes in the areas of civil litigation, legislative lawyering, and non-profit regulatory compliance. Tony resides in Fort Worth with his wife and daughter.