The Latest
Houston Teacher Arrested for Improper Relationship with a Student
Cy-Fair teacher Kayden Burbank allegedly had a sexual relationship with a 15-year-old student.
Feminist Media Critic to Depart UT-Austin Over DEI Ban
UT Professor Jennifer McClearen also took aim at the state’s lack of COVID restrictions.
Allen High School Resource Officer Speaks Out on Fentanyl-Related Overdoses
Matthew Johnson administered the lifesaving drug Narcan three times this year to students who overdosed.
Huffman ISD Accuses AG’s Office of Election Interference in Response to Electioneering Lawsuit
The district is under fire for a leaked recording of Superintendent Benny Soileau encouraging staff to support anti-school choice Republicans.
The Archive
Lubbock Paper Calls for Surplus to be Returned to Taxpayers
Once in a while the mainstream media hits the nail on the head and such is the case with a staff editorial in today's Lubbock Avalanche-Journal. This piece enclosed below in no uncertain terms urges the Legislature to return the surplus to taxpayers. Further, it...
It Stinks for Texans Sued by Their Appraisal District for Contesting Their Appraisals
The Houston Chronicle has a disturbing piece about some Wharton County property taxpayers who find themselves as defendants in a lawsuit filed by their appraisal district after they successfully obtained reductions from the Appraisal Review Board (ARB). The chief of...
Governor Perry declares emergency on tax relief
 AUSTIN, Texas – Texas Governor Rick Perry today issued an emergency declaration on the issue of tax relief.  The president of Texans for Fiscal Responsibility, Michael Quinn Sullivan, said lawmakers should view tax relief as their highest priority this...
Only in Austin…
Governor Perry had a great line reported in the state's media outlets:Â Â Â Â Â Â "Only in Austin and Washington would returning $8 billion to citizens be considered spending."That's a great point. The state's spending cap was called the...
Dewhurst Questions Existence & Return of Surplus, But More Tax Cuts Now Can Help Avert Future Economic Slowdown
Speaking at a Capitol news conference yesterday, Lt. Gov. David Dewhurst said "We don't have a 14.3 billion dollar surplus." He asserted that "when you look at promised property tax cuts out to 2011, we're looking at a balanced budget with just...
Conservative Leaders: Return the Surplus!
Leaders of seven conservative organizations today called on legislators to "return the certified surplus to Texas taxpayers." Earlier this week the state's new Comptroller, Susan Combs, certified for legislative use a $14.3 billion surplus. Signing the letters are the...
Return Surplus To The Taxpayer
Texas Comptroller Susan Combs today officially certified the state's surplus at $14.3 billion. The president of Texans for Fiscal Responsibility, Michael Quinn Sullivan, offered the following statement: "The surplus is not found money, but rather the overpayment by...
Remember the Taxpayer!
In responding to the official revenue estimate issued by Comptroller Susan Combs, Gov. Perry said, “This surplus should reinforce our commitment to the principles and policies that helped create it. State leaders must continue to be fiscally disciplined, we must...
Taxpayers vs. Spending Addicts in Abilene
The Abilene Reporter-News has a revealing piece today discussing how Abilene taxpayers support revenue and appraisal caps while local officials are frightened by the prospect. The most eye-opening quote is:Taylor County Commissioner Chuck Statler likened the...