Results for "trwd"

Panther Island Review: Dysfunctional Management

Panther Island Review: Dysfunctional Management

…the project, in addition to repeated delays and cost overruns. Until the troubled project can restore federal support, the TRWD convinced voters to approve a $250 million debt proposal in…

Panther Island Agency’s Bloated Budget

Panther Island Agency’s Bloated Budget

A programmatic review from advisory firm Riveron revealed the troubled government agency run by the son of a congresswoman spends $2 million annually in taxpayer money to operate, with roughly…

Tarrant Water District Cover Up?

Tarrant Water District Cover Up?

…Dallas and the TRWD are actively working towards. All money for this campaign would flow through the TRWD to the media companies under contract. Why does the TRWD feel they…

More Water District Waste

More Water District Waste

…the TRWD district, meaning 10 schools outside of the district have received the taxpayer-funded boxes. The TRWD is supposed to collect taxes for flood control. The updated listed of schools…