Lexi D’Abrosca made history becoming the first Texas Woman’s University student-athlete to be named student regent.
D’Abrosca is a midfielder for TWU was named regent after Governer Greg Abbot selected her to serve as the student representation on the Texas Woman’s University Board of Regent for the 2019-20 academic year.
Regents are important because they will serve as a liason for the student body.
“Serving as a student regent is an opportunity to represent my fellow students,” D’Abrosca told reporters. “My goal is to make sure each and every student voice is heard.”
In 2005, Gov. Rick Perry signed legislation making it mandatory that each public university board of regents include one student member.
The student regent should have same power and duties as other members of the board.
D’Abrosca is from Carrollton, Texas majoring in Kinesiology. She helped TWU to a 11-6-3 overall record while going on a season long five game win streak this season.