In keeping with our effort to provide Texans with the information they need to be informed voters, Texas Scorecard made a questionnaire available to those running the State Republican Executive Committee. While we won’t be issuing an endorsement in any of these races, we hope that the responses to these questions will help you decide which man and which woman will best represent your interest on the SREC.
Here are the answers from the Senate District 1 candidates who responded:
Tammy Blair
Robert “Bob” Kecseg
What are the qualities of a Texas Republican? Why are you one?
Tammy Blair: Texas Republicans are a diverse group of individuals that generally hold to values of limited government, personal responsibility, free market capitalism, and ordered liberty as consistently expressed in the Platform. I am a Texas Republican because the platform is a good representation of my own values and principles.
Bob Kecseg: Texas GOP qualities would be promotion of limited government and individual responsibility as clearly expressed in the GOP Principles and Platform. Why me…I have debated at every SREC meeting to defend the Platform and refrain from expanding government.
Texas has a lot of elected Republican officials. Who do you believe does the best job standing up for the priorities of the Texas GOP? Why?
Tammy Blair: Senator Bob Hall. Senator Hall has consistently voted in session to support our platform. In addition, Senator Hall has been a real warrior for Texans whether the topic was protecting the Texas power grid or defending parental rights. His honesty and integrity are unparalleled.
Bob Kecseg: Who stands up for Texas GOP. Senator Bob Hall is the most consistent in the Texas Senate. Texas reps. Matt Schaefer along with other members of the Freedom Caucus like Kyle Biedermann, Jonathon Stickland, and Tony Tinderholt.
Some individuals say the current party platform is too long and should be shortened. Do you agree? If so, what portions of the platform would you advocate eliminating?
Tammy Blair: Yes, and no. I appreciate brevity whenever it serves the purpose so I agree that the Platform is long and can be cumbersome. That said, it would not be as long if lawmakers would end government bloat, abuse of the people’s liberties, and abuse of tax dollars. The platform is written by Texas Republicans and reflects what they care about. I think Texas Republicans should decide the length of the platform.
Bob Kecseg: The Texas GOP Platform is not too long. I strongly disagree. The platform should be reduced as the State legislature begins to reduce the size of State Government.
What must be done to ensure the Texas GOP’s legislative priorities are implemented by legislators?
Tammy Blair: The Party should be more careful who they allow to run of the Republican ticket. Candidates should be required to indicate their positions on the planks (Plank 225), and the Party should be willing to refuse Party affiliation for those candidates who have consistently violated the platform through votes in session. I also believe that Rule 44 should be strengthened.
Bob Kecseg: The Convention delegates will begin to see their legislative priorities addressed when the Governor, Lt. Governor, and Speaker of the House agree to apply any and all tax surplus directly to taxpayers and devote the 140 days of legislative session to passing into law all of the legislative priorities. In 2019, our Texas legislature only passed one of the five priorities.
Why have you decided to run for the SREC?
Tammy Blair: I decided to run for SREC to help ensure conservative representation in the RPT when the previous committeewoman was termed out. The principles in our platform must be defended and advocated for. I have consistently done that at every opportunity. I was also informed that a paid staffer of a politician was running for the position. That is a conflict of interest since a man, or woman, cannot serve two masters.
Bob Kecseg: Why run? Most important is to demonstrate leadership in our party by first representing SD 1. Current officeholders generally become followers of state-wide leaders. Ie; Governor, Lt Governor, and Speaker of the House. Our representatives must be aware of progressive legislation like SB 10 and SB 11 that fulfilled the goals of the Texas Democrats Platform and progressives nationally.