While ObamaCare is strongly opposed by Texans, its imposition was supported by several Texas legislators. Texans for Fiscal Responsibility today began a public education effort designed to unmask the radical supporters of socialized medicine.
A new website, www.ObamaCareFanatics.com, was released today focusing on two groups of “fanatics,” said TFR president Michael Quinn Sullivan: the “water-boys” and the “cheerleaders.”
“The water-boys came first, voting for legislation back in 2007 to study the implementation of universal health care in Texas. The cheerleaders were those in late 2009 signing a letter urging Congress to pass the un-read legislation,” said Sullivan. “What makes separates these lawmakers from others is their fanatical support of a very bad policy position. Not every Texas House Democrat signed the ’09 letter or voted for the ’07 legislation, just the truly fanatical.”
The fanatics featured with the launch of ObamaCareFanatics.com include State Reps. Patrick Rose (D-Dripping Springs), Stephen Frost (D-New Boston), Ellen Cohen (D-Houston), Diana Maldonado (D-Round Rock) and Valinda Bolton (D-Austin).
“Rose and Frost have tried to style themselves as centrists, or even conservatives, but the fact is that they – along with liberals Cohen and Bolton – voted in 2007 for legislation mandating a report on how to impose universal health care on Texas,” said Sullivan. “They were laying groundwork for ObamaCare before Obama was elected.”
In 2009, Bolton and Maldonado signed a letter promoted by the liberal Progressive States Network. Despite House Speaker Nancy Pelosi saying Congress would have to pass the legislation before they could read it, 35 Texas legislators signed the letter claiming failure to pass ObamaCare would “jeopardize state and local budgets, undermining public services like education, public safety, and transportation infrastructure.”
“What we have learned since is the passage of ObamaCare is that it is going to undermine state and local budgets, while driving up insurance costs,” said Sullivan. “Just like it has done everywhere else, the liberal utopian dream of socialized medicine leads to fiscal insolvency.”
Texans for Fiscal Responsibility will feature new fanatics on the website as the weeks go by. In addition, the organization is sending e-mails and making calls into the featured-fanatics districts.