This article has been updated since publication with additional responses. 

During Texas’ 88th regular legislative session, legislation was filed in the Texas Senate to ban ownership of Texas’ agricultural land, mineral interests, and timber from citizens, companies, or governmental entities designated by the federal government as threats to national security.

Senate Bill 147 would have achieved that aim and applied to countries like China, Iran, North Korea, and Russia.

SB 147 was also designed to cover weak spots found in the Lone Star Infrastructure Protection Act. Passed in 2021, the act was supposed to prohibit foreign companies or citizens from countries like China from purchasing land near critical infrastructure, such as military bases.

However, SB 147 was never given a hearing in the Texas House.

The March 2024 Republican Primary ballot included a proposition on the subject of foreign land ownership.

It passed 95.23 percent to 4.77 percent.

Texas Scorecard asked all runoff election candidates whether Texas should ban ownership of agricultural land and natural resources such as mineral interests and timber from citizens, companies, or governmental entities designated by the federal government as threats to national security.


Senate District 30

Brent Hagenbuch: “Citizens’ private property rights are a core principle in America. Those rights do not necessarily extend to everyone. Those who wish to do America harm should be categorically excluded. Foreign governments, and foreign nationals from terrorist nations should not be permitted to own U.S. property. Key infrastructure properties must be protected from foreign control.”

Jace Yarbrough: “To protect our sovereignty, it’s imperative that we protect our land, water, and geological assets. We should ban hostile nations and their agents from acquiring land in Texas, especially near critical infrastructure and military installations. This is a matter of national security.”


House District 1

Chris Spencer: “As a state representative, I will fight to pass legislation prohibiting the sale of precious Texas land to any foreign nations that we know are national security threats. Just like I will fight to secure and protect our southern border, I will fight any effort to allow the sale of property, private or otherwise, to our enemy.”

State Rep. Gary VanDeaver did not respond to Texas Scorecard’s inquiry.


House District 12

Ben Bius: “Much like the border, the Federal Government refuses to enforce the existing law on foreign agricultural land purchases. Texas has the right of self-defense. The federal law requiring full disclosure of foreign entities purchasing farmland is not enforced and Texas must address this issue. We must do so by outlawing the sale of Texas agriculture land to citizens of or those who are in any way affiliated with the Chinese Communist government or any government hostile to the United States of America.”

Trey Wharton: “I would absolutely support legislation like SB 147 by Sen. Lois Kolkhorst to ban the sale of land to foreign nationals from countries that are adversarial to our nation and its security interests. As a freshman, I will work with our Senator to get this finally passed.”


House District 21

David Covey: “Foreign entities and individuals should be banned from owning land and natural resources in Texas. This is vital for safeguarding our national security.”

Speaker Dade Phelan did not respond to Texas Scorecard’s inquiry.


House District 29

Jeffrey Barry: “Texas should absolutely ban land and other natural resources from being sold to governmental entities designated by the federal government as threats to national security (China, Iran, North Korea, Russia). For those areas that have already been purchased by these governments, we must be able to get our land back.”

Alex Kamkar did not respond to Texas Scorecard’s inquiry.


House District 30

AJ Louderback: “Last session, Sen. Lois Kolkhorst attempted to pass legislation to address this issue. Sadly it didn’t get done. I will file a companion to Sen. Kolkhorsts senate bill in the House and work to finally pass this into law.”

Jeff Bauknight: “Texas should not allow federally defined citizens, companies, or governmental agencies that are national security threats to the United States from purchasing properties, mineral interests and timber, and land near sensitive government and infrastructure.”


House District 33

Katrina Pierson: “Texas debated legislation last session to address this issue and I would have supported it. Unfortunately it died in the Texas House without a hearing, after passing the Senate. As a freshman, I look forward to finally getting this passed into law and protecting Texans and their property.”

State Rep. Justin Holland did not respond to Texas Scorecard’s inquiry.


House District 44

Alan Schoolcraft: “Texas should absolutely ban the ownership of land and natural resources from foreign nations that are known national security threats! China, Iran, North Korea, and Russia are not our allies. There was a bill last session that would have outlawed the sale but it was killed. I would have voted for that bill, and I will vote for future legislation on the matter.”

State Rep. John Kuempel did not respond to Texas Scorecard’s inquiry.


House District 58

Helen Kerwin: “Texas is the engine of America’s economy from job growth, energy and food production, and advanced manufacturing, and we have some of the most sizeable military installations in the country.  As such, the Lone Star State is a target for hostile foreign nations to infiltrate and undermine.  To prevent America’s economic engine from being subverted by nations and individuals who wish to do us harm, a very smart solution is to ban the purchase of land or critical natural resources by nations designated as foreign adversaries.  It is truly shocking this common sense national security measure was not passed in the last state legislative session, but that failure further serves as a reason why we must elect new, unwavering conservative leaders to better serve Texas.”

State Rep. DeWayne Burns did not respond to Texas Scorecard’s inquiry.


House District 61

Keresa Richardson: “Yes, Texas should absolutely ban countries or individuals who are deemed to be a national security threat from purchasing or owning our valuable land and resources.”

State Rep. Frederick Frazier did not respond to Texas Scorecard’s inquiry.


House District 64

Andy Hopper: “Texas should absolutely ban the sale of Texas land and resources to enemies of our country. Further, the Texas Legislature should establish a process to condemn and auction land and resources currently in the hands of the CCP, Iran, North Korea, etc.”

State Rep. Lynn Stucky did not respond to Texas Scorecard’s inquiry.


House District 91

David Lowe: “100% yes, we should immediately ban the sale of land to hostile foreign nations. The fact that the Texas legislature has refused to even bring up this issue is troubling. I am the only Texans First, Americans First candidate running for Texas House District 91.”

State Rep. Stephanie Klick did not respond to Texas Scorecard’s inquiry.


House District 97

Cheryl Bean: “I strongly believe Texas should ban ownership of agricultural land and natural resources such as mineral interests and timber from citizens, companies, or governmental entities designated by the federal government as threats to national security. Current purchases by these nations have already demonstrated their intent to spy on US national defense interests, engage in our infrastructure, and/or do harm to our citizens. This became an issue in Texas when a Chinese investor purchased 140,000 acres around Del Rio near the Texas/Mexican border and surrounding Laughlin USAF base. This investor then built a large wind farm to interact with our Texas grid and subsequently, unmanned aircraft systems have been detected in and around the base. Texans have nothing to gain but a lot at risk if we allow this.”

John McQueeny: “I absolutely support banning the sale of Texas land to communists and foreigners. This is a national security issue and no-brainer, and I’d be glad to author and carry that bill next session.”

Amelia McKenzie

Amelia is a senior at Liberty University in Virginia. She is studying Digital Journalism and is currently a fellow with Texas Scorecard.