
State Archive


Save Texas Students

Education in Texas is at a crossroads. Now, more than ever, we have an opportunity to make systemic reforms that will impact students for decades to come. Before joining Empower Texans, I worked for two years as a public school teacher in Houston ISD, where I saw...


Playing On Your Dime

It’s a harmless tradition, Texas lawmakers taking off a few hours to play football. Yes, they do it during the work-day and on your dime. Still, think of it this way: that’s one day they won’t be raiding the rainy day fund, sneaking into your pocket, or regulating...

Justice Department Sides with German Homeschooling Policy

This is some jaw-dropping news: In a political asylum case involving a German family that fled to the United States to be able to homeschool their children, the U.S. Justice Department is arguing that the freedom to choose to educate one’s own children is not a...


Birdwell, Hughes Seek Greater Taxpayer Protection

Two of the state’s Taxpayer Champions are proposing greater protections against tax hikes at the state level. Senator Brian Birdwell and Rep. Bryan Hughes have both proposed amending the state constitution to require a two-thirds majority for the legislature to...


Chartering Better Education

For all the talk about education reform, one of the best options can be found in the state's unsung academic heroes: the charter schools. Correctly utilized, they provide meaningful opportunities for driving improvement by increasing the options available to parents,...


The Side Effects of Medicaid Expansion

With Gov. Perry and Lt. Gov. Dewhurst both on record in opposition, Medicaid expansion in Texas seems unlikely at best. But with increased chatter about it spreading throughout the Austin political machine like a contagion, a reminder of all the fiscal side effects...


A ‘Sweet’ Reform for SNAP

With entitlement spending set to sour the state’s budget without some meaningful reform, one Democrat has a sweet proposal to help eliminate wasteful spending—by prohibiting sweets and junk food from being purchased with welfare handouts. HB 751 by Rep. Richard...


Better Government Through Better Information

Legislation filed today would increase government transparency, requiring greater information be available to taxpayers about public debt while ensuring the state’s pensions are making their actuarial data more readily available. The legislation was inspired by the...


The Art of Wasting Money

The Texas Commission on the Arts is seeking to double its budget for the 2014-15 biennium, after the legislature cut back on this non-essential function last session. Given the health of the state’s $4.6 billion arts industry, taxpayers should be asking their...