
Analysis: Mary Talley Bowden Keeps Up The Pressure for Medical Freedom
Forged in the fire of forced vaccinations, Bowden continues gaining support from Texas lawmakers and candidates.

Abbott Calls Court’s Election Fraud Ruling ‘Nonsensical’ and ‘Bizarre’
Gov. Greg Abbott is blasting a Court of Criminal Appeals decision from 2021 that removed the ability for the attorney general to prosecute voter fraud.

DPS Chief ‘Temporarily’ Blocks Outside Groups During Voter Registration Investigation
The move comes as Attorney General Ken Paxton investigates reports noncitizens have been registered to vote.

New Policy Stops Gender-confused Individuals From Changing Sex on Driver’s License
A new Department of Public Safety policy will only allow Texans to change the sex listed on their license to fix a clerical error.
State Archive
A ‘Sweet’ Reform for SNAP
With entitlement spending set to sour the state’s budget without some meaningful reform, one Democrat has a sweet proposal to help eliminate wasteful spending—by prohibiting sweets and junk food from being purchased with welfare handouts. HB 751 by Rep. Richard...
Better Government Through Better Information
Legislation filed today would increase government transparency, requiring greater information be available to taxpayers about public debt while ensuring the state’s pensions are making their actuarial data more readily available. The legislation was inspired by the...
The Art of Wasting Money
The Texas Commission on the Arts is seeking to double its budget for the 2014-15 biennium, after the legislature cut back on this non-essential function last session. Given the health of the state’s $4.6 billion arts industry, taxpayers should be asking their...
Villalba: TX Should Pay For Obamacare Exchanges
Republican State Rep. Jason Villalba of Dallas had been in office less than a week when he predicted that the state’s GOP leadership would “soften” on their opposition to Obamacare implementation. Now, he’s doubling down on his desire for the state to pay the huge...
Free Markets, Low Taxes Still Best Catalyst For Job Growth
What is the economic engine behind Texas’ jobs creation? Here's a hint: It’s not the state’s corporate welfare funds. A new report shows that the Texas Emerging Technology Fund (TETF) is doing a poor job of creating jobs, despite the millions of tax dollars invested...
Circuit of the Americas Cronies Back For More
Not satisfied by their $29 million tax-funded payout for last November’s Formula 1 race, cronies of the Circuit of the America’s racetrack in Austin have their hands out for more taxpayer money. According to the Austin American-Statesman, the Circuit Events Local...
Liberty for Liquor Stores
Two state lawmakers are pushing for economic liberty, although it may surprise you to know they aren’t the usual suspects. State Rep. Senfronia Thompson and State Sen. Juan Hinojosa want to make it legal for Texans to buy and sell liquor on Sundays. Whatever is...
House Chairs
House Speaker Joe Straus announced his committee chairs today, with little in the way of surprises. Not the least surprising was that this crop of committee chairs is slightly less fiscally responsible than the 2011 batch. Since the legislature is in session, it’s a...
Hispanic Future
Texas is on a path towards a Hispanic majority, a fact that should make conservatives rejoice. The Republican Party, on the other hand, will have some rough times ahead if they don't get their act together. To the extent that the Republican Party has failed to connect...